Why did an Arab MK laugh when the terrorist’s name was mentioned?

by time news
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The stormy night in the Knesset: During the last night (Tuesday), the Knesset plenum dealt with voting until five o’clock in the morning. In the middle of the night (at 03:00), an Arab MK burst into laughter, when the name of a terrorist was mentioned.

MK Orit Struck mentioned above the plenary podium the heinous murder of Eliyahu David Kay the 14th, who was killed in a terrorist attack in the Old City of Jerusalem, and MK Sami Abu Shehadeh, who was present in the plenum, burst out laughing.

MK Shehadeh, immediately tried to explain himself, and was quick to claim that it was because MK Struck did not spell the terrorist’s name correctly. MK Ben Gvir posted the video on social media and asked: “Judge for yourself.”

In response, the chairman of Jewish Power, MK Itamar Ben Gvir, said: “It is time to expel my fellow terrorists from the Knesset to Syria, where they will be welcomed.”

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