Why did Jesus fight the Pharisees and Sadducees?

by time news

2024-08-13 21:45:03

NOTICIACRISTIANA.COM.- While Jesus was teaching, he faced two Jewish religious groups: the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Although these names seem strange to us today, we can compare them with modern denominations such as “Baptist” or “Pentecostal.” Just like today there are different Christian denominations, Judaism too had their own divisions.

Who were the Pharisees?

  • They emerged in the 2nd century BC during the Second Temple period.
  • They were committed to strictly following the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) and oral traditions.
  • They believed in the resurrection of the dead, angels and spirits.
  • They emphasized personal piety, ritual purity, prayer and charity.
  • They were very popular among the common people for their teachings on living a righteous life according to God’s commandments.

Who were the Sadducees?

  • They were a more noble group and were associated with the temple in Jerusalem.
  • They only accepted the written Torah and rejected oral traditions.
  • They did not believe in resurrection, angels, spirits or life after death.
  • They had close relations with the Roman authorities and tried to maintain their power by cooperating with them.
  • They were more resistant to changes that could disrupt the status quo.

Key Differences

  • Pharisees: They believed in the written and oral law, in the resurrection and in angels. They were popular among the common people.
  • Sadducees: They only accepted the written law and did not believe in the resurrection or angels. They were more noble and cooperated with the Romans.

Interactions with Jesus

Although interactions with the Pharisees and Sadducees were often conflictual, some Pharisees related to Jesus in a more positive way. Shows curiosity or respect for his teachings.

One notable Pharisee who spent time with Jesus was Nicodemus. As described in John, Nicodemus was a member of the Jewish ruling council, the Sanhedrin. He approached Jesus at night, perhaps to avoid a religious examination, trying to understand Jesus’ teachings. In John 3:1-21, Nicodemus recognizes Jesus as a teacher sent by God. When he believes in the miracles he performed, Nicodemus was probably one of the Pharisees.

Jesus takes this opportunity to teach Nicodemus about spiritual rebirth. He said to him: “Truly, truly, I say to you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” (John 3:3). Nicodemus’ interaction with Jesus shows respect and openness to his message, in contrast to the hostile attitude of many Pharisees.

Why did the Pharisees and Sadducees want Jesus to die?

Despite their differences, both the Pharisees and the Sadducees found common ground in their desire to eliminate Jesus.

For the SadduceesThe growing popularity of Jesus and his actions in the temple directly threatened his authority. And also the delicate balance they maintained with the Romans. Furthermore, the Sadducees denied the resurrection and life after death. Thus Jesus’ continued teaching on these matters undermined his theological positions and his theological authority. As a result of the doctrine of Christ they are seen as a dangerous heretic.

The Phariseesalthough more populist than the Sadducees, Jesus also saw it as a threat to their legal interpretation and social influence. In passages such as Matthew 23, Jesus condemned the Pharisees as hypocrites who focused on external observance rather than internal righteousness. His criticism threatened his credibility and authority among the people.

In the end, Jesus was king of all (and of the resurrection) when he rose from the dead three days later. For Christians today, we must remember these groups as a serious warning. Let us not take our denominational or political positions so seriously that we forget or ultimately reject the eternal lordship of Christ. Instead of judging these Jewish schools, we should search our hearts and repent of the ways in which we are like them.

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#Jesus #fight #Pharisees #Sadducees

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