Why did my cell phone ring today? SISMATE: Indeci sends alarm to cell phones and surprises citizens of Lima, Cusco and Trujillo

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For a cell phone to receive the MTC alert, it must have special technology, according to Indeci – Andina credit

The Civil Defense Institute (Indeci) issued an alert on Peruvians’ cell phones regarding the danger of river flooding or possible overflows. The Emergency Early Warning Messaging System (SISMATE) will continue in the testing phase, the entity indicated through a message that appeared on the devices’ screen.

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According to Indeci, this alarm was heard in “the geographical areas (delimited by technical-scientific entities) that could be affected by these dangers.”

Through comments on social networks, citizens commented that the loud sound was heard in Lima, Trujillo, Cusco and other regions of the country.

The SISMATE test will continue until March 15 of this year, according to Indeci – Andina credit

Indeci reported through its message on cell phones that this trial period will continue until March 15 of this year.

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“Why don’t they warn that the alarm is a test? What a scare, we are in Rebagliatti and everyone went crazy. Nobody knew what it was, if it was a fire, if we had to evacuate or what. (It rang on) all the phones at the same time,” lamented a user on Facebook.

In other health establishments, such as the Guillermo Almenara hospital, the authorities immediately explained to the workers what the protocol is for emergency situations.

SISMATE is a system that can be used to warn the population about river overflows and earthquakes – Andina credit

Only mobile devices that have “Cell Broadcast” technology will be able to receive these types of messages.

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In this sense, the device configuration must allow the display of the message through a Pop-Up format (pop-up window). Thus, even if the person is on a call or chatting, this activity will be interrupted.

“Currently, the country is working with 5G-NS technology that uses the 4G infrastructure, which is why it is integrated into the SISMATE system and mobile terminals can receive ‘Cell Broadcast’ messages. If they did not receive the messages, it could be because the mobile terminal does not have the Cell Broadcast functionality or the features are not enabled in the cellular base station,” Carlos Aguirre, General Director of Communications Programs and Projects of the TCM.

Likewise, he said that SISMATE has the “pure” functionality for the future 5G network, although at the moment no operator has this technology. To find out if the phone has this technology, users have to follow the following steps:

  • Check if the IMEI number printed on the box matches the one shown on the device. To do this, you just have to dial *#06# on the keyboard as if you were initiating a call.
  • Next, you must confirm if the phone has been approved. To do this, the MTC enabled a web platform to verify that the certificate exists by brand or model. You can enter through this link: https://she.mtc.gob.pe/IEqHomGestionar/index
  • The technology that cell phones must have is called Cell Broadcast or Cellular Diffusion – credit Andina

    To find the model, you must enter the cell phone Settings section and then enter the ‘About this phone’ option. This is the code that will have to be placed in the ‘Model’ field, on the ministry page.

    The certificate can be downloaded in PDF format. In this document you can also see the date of approval of the device that entered Peru.

    Through Supreme Decree No. 019-2019-MTC, issued by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, imported mobile terminals, whether cell phones, tablets, etc., must have these characteristics to be marketed in the country. National market

    Certain technology companies, such as Lenovo and Huawei, have published a tutorial to teach how to activate the ‘Cell Broadcast’ function on their customers’ mobile phones. In the case of Samsung, they answer questions online from their website.

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