“Why did you do that, Gabriel?” Explain ! They need to know! »

by time news

2023-06-14 06:21:07

Barring a miracle of the hearing – it happens sometimes – Gabriel Fortin will not open up. But already, he is there, and Tuesday, June 13, the first day of this trial scheduled to last three weeks, it is a surprise. A good surprise, we are tempted to write, so much we feared an audience in absence. The man who, in January 2021, two days apart and 480 kilometers away, murdered a Pôle Emploi adviser and two human resources managers in cold blood, attempted to murder a third, in application of a plan matured over the years, has a face, a body, a voice. Dark half-breed skin, a hairless skull and face, a thickened figure in an impeccable pale blue shirt.

It is his voice that strikes. Metallic, detached, when he states his identity and his date of birth. Surly, when he refuses to give his address before his arrest. « Nancy.

– Which street ?

– Nancy. »

To the following ritual question: ” Do you have anything to declare ? », Gabriel Fortin exclaims: “Oh yes! », and unfolds the handwritten sheet of paper he is holding. He reads.

“I want to say that it’s a lot of lies, in the continuity of the facts of which I was the victim. I sent many complaints to the prosecutors of Chartres, Valence, Nancy. I alerted the dean of the investigating judges, deputies, ministers of justice, the Defender of Rights. So all these people, the prosecutors, you, sir – he turns to the Advocate General’s seat – are responsible for the situation. »

A moment of vertigo

Gabriel Fortin folds up his sheet and sits down. He barely glances at the woman with cropped white hair, her face barred with glasses and a sanitary mask, who walks with difficulty to the chair placed in front of the witness box. Francine, his mother.

From the two hours during which she was questioned, we come out confused, as the 78-year-old old lady showed contradictory faces and emotions. Straight-forward sentences, in neat language, alternating with moments of total confusion. Digressions on the accessory and omissions on the essential. Absolute suffering and an abyssal indifference. Just, sincere words to express his compassion to the families of the victims, immediately annihilated by conspiratorial or totally inappropriate considerations.

Which should you keep? The woman forever hurt to have been abandoned by the father of her two sons, a doctoral student whom she revered, left overnight to join her other family in Gabon, leaving her to give birth alone to the youngest, Gabriel, without him give his name, unlike the eldest? The one who modestly evokes the ” trauma “ of this abandonment for his boys? Or the one who immediately justifies in a hard voice, the fact of never having raised the question with them: “For me, it was in the past”? The mother, both wolf and severe, evoking her concern to raise her two sons alone in the cult of academic success and attendance at “respectable people, good character” ? The one who says: “My son graduated [Gabriel Fortin était ingénieur], he looked for a job but he was from the Kleenex generation, people who are taken to work and thrown away”? Or the one that says: “Work is important. Unemployment is a failure ? Or the one, again, which twists right in the middle of an answer, and begins to tell that she herself was “harassed”only « gens [la] followed in the street”and that his phone was “pirated”?

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#Gabriel #Explain

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