Why do men sometimes sleep after sex?

by time news

2022-06-22 09:39:14

A very common scenario after having an intimate and passionate relationship with your partner is to realize that he fell asleep quickly, instead of talking to you or putting you home in bed. Has it happened to you? Do not worry, because this does not mean that there is something wrong with you. In fact it is much more accurate than you imagine and in scientific detail. In general, the same thing happens to all men and also to many women, since sex is a strong sleep that has a better effect than drugs.

In men it occurs faster because of the release of the hormone prolactin, which are made in themselves in great size when they reach the time of completion. Women also have it, although not as much during sex, which explains why they tend to be awake.

The effects of prolactin occur directly dopaminewhich is the hormone that is responsible for drinking awakesince it works as a neurotransmitter stimulant.

Another hormone released during a male orgasm is oxytocinwhich is responsible for making the body get rid of tension and stress.

Having sex with the lights off is another factor that can cause sleepiness after the act, because darkness causes the production of melatonin, something that sends a message to us that it’s time to sleep. In combination with previous hormones, it can produce a great and pleasant aroma.

If you do not want your partner to fall asleep after having sex, it is recommended that they do so with the lights on and avoid completely horizontal positions, so that they can be awake.

Source: TipDiario.com

Created by:

22/06/2022 11:06

This information should not replace a doctor’s opinion. If you have any questions, consult with professionals.

#men #sleep #sex

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