Why do some theologians say that Jesus doubted?

by time news

2024-09-30 20:51:23

NOTICIACRISTIANA.COM.- Much has been said about Jesus being doubted on the cross in light of his imminent death. The Gospel according to Matthew 27:46 shows Jesus saying: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

In a Christian podcast you can see its participants confessing the doubt that Jesus had on the cross. There are many cases like this.

At this point it is important to answer these questions: Was Jesus a charlatan who doubted God? The truth is no.

According to the Christian media Evangelio.blogJesus knew the difficulty he would face at the crucifixion before it happened, but he always put his trust in God, which is shown in Matthew 26:39, when Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane tells the Father, just before his veto. : “If it is possible, let this cup go from me, but not as I will, but as you will.”

«The anguish of the cross was real, and he knew it. However, the Bible teaches that the vision of the Messiah was never dead in death. “Jesus saw directly through the cross to the resurrection on the other side,” explained the page Evangelio.blog.

On the other hand, we must take into account that Jesus had human intelligence, human will, human emotions and a human body on earth, etc.

Despite the pain that the son of God felt on the cross, despite the undeserved abuse he suffered, after suffering human vulnerability and crying out for God’s help, he expressed before he died: “Father , into your hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23). :46).

Not only did Jesus doubt

Why do some theologians say that Jesus doubted?

According to the media Christianity and justice.netdoubt appears in many parts of the Bible.

Among the examples of doubt that can be seen in the Bible are: When Adam and Eve doubted before the snake; when the people of Israel did not trust Moses; It is even seen when Joseph and Mary were in trouble when Jesus went missing, and when they found him they asked him: “Why did you do this to us?” Jesus’ own parents are saddened and do not fully understand who their son is or what he is going to do on earth.

The Bible also shows Peter and the rest of the disciples paralyzed by fear and doubt. Even after the resurrection of Jesus there is the case of Thomas who doubted that.

The aforementioned media outlet suggests that doubt seems to be about the experience of coming to faith.

«Doubt does not seem, therefore, something punctual and temporary. It has come to stay. It is part of the same structure of faith and experience of the believer. Doubt is not a bad thing that happens sometimes in life; Doubt and belief are part of the same search, the only search that could be made towards a more faithful and authentic relationship with God.

Jesus is an example

Media Evangelio.blog shows that the life of Jesus did not leave us an example of doubt or fear, but of obedience, faith and perfection.

The son of God knew what he would go through, but still “because of the joy set before him, he endured the cross.”

Just like Jesus, we must put our trust in God, even in the face of doubt. It is important to ask the Creator for mercy. That is what the son of God taught us.

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#theologians #Jesus #doubted

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