Why Do Some Young Men and Women Experience a Sharp Decline in Memory? Can it be Treated?

by time news

2023-10-11 15:28:01
Title: The Causes of Memory Decline in Young People and Possible Treatments

Subtitle: Understanding the Various Types and Stages of Memory

Oman- A person’s memory gradually declines as he grows older, but some young men and women suffer from a sharp and sudden decline in their ability to remember. The reasons behind this phenomenon and potential treatments have been a topic of interest among researchers.

According to a report published by the Free Will Mind website, approximately 56% of information is forgotten within an hour, 66% after one day, and 75% after 6 days. The brain’s ability to store and retrieve details is limited, leading to forgetfulness for various reasons.

Memory specialist Dr. Alaa Al-Lahham explains that memory is a complex function that intersects with and affects many aspects of human life. He emphasizes that memory has different types, stages, and levels, each influenced by various factors and mechanisms. Factors such as age, environment, health, and psychological status can weaken the memory.

Permanent memory impairment can be caused by conditions such as Alzheimer’s, strokes, head trauma, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological diseases. However, temporary memory weakness can be treated and reversed. Some of the temporary memory weakness causes include hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, and depression and anxiety.

Dr. Al-Lahham stresses that treating depression is an important step in improving memory. With constant exercise, similar to muscles, the memory centers in the brain can be maintained and their cognitive fitness can be preserved. Reading, practicing arithmetic exercises, memorizing, and engaging in mental activities are recommended for preserving memory.

Psychological consultant Dr. Ahmed Siriwi agrees with Dr. Alaa Al-Laham, emphasizing that poor memory can result from a variety of factors, including lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, malnutrition, and age-related decline. Dr. Siriwi states that treatment involves identifying the underlying cause and implementing measures such as respiratory and mental relaxation sessions, cognitive behavioral therapy, and addressing negative thoughts and fears.

A weak memory can lead to embarrassing situations where individuals forget names, lose expressive terms, or struggle to communicate ideas accurately. However, forgetting details of painful events can be a blessing, allowing individuals to move on while still remembering the main aspects.

To combat forgetfulness, the Free Will Mind website suggests several practices. Regular exercise, even light exercises for short durations, has been proven to have rapid improvements in memory function. Prioritizing adequate sleep, typically 7 to 9 hours per night, is crucial for both physical and mental health. Practice and repetition are effective techniques for committing information to memory. Writing down important information can also aid in memory retention.

While some level of forgetfulness is inevitable, taking steps to reduce it can help individuals retain essential information and improve their memory function. By understanding the causes and implementing strategies to support memory, young people can overcome sudden memory decline and achieve mental clarity.]
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