Why do styes come out? Myths and truths about styes

by time news

Mary Albert



Taking care of our eyesight should be a priority for anyone who wants to maintain good eye health. Infections as common as orzuelos they can put you in danger and touching them can cause more harm than good.

[Lentillas, cloro o aire acondicionado: los peligros del verano para nuestros ojos (y cómo prevenirlos)]

But what are they and why do styes appear in our eyes? What actions can increase the risk of suffering from this condition?

Why do styes appear in the eyes?

This type of infection happens when the sebaceous glands of the eyelid and eyelashes. The mission of these cells is to secrete substances to defend the body against microbial attacks.

The symptoms that you suffer when you have a stye are quite clear: redness, tenderness, and pain at the edge of the eyelidin addition to the appearance of a rounded and painful lump.

When it appears, the eye becomes much more sensitive than usual, especially to stimuli such as intense light.

These are the actions that can increase the risk of suffering a stye:

touch eyes without washing hands

Not disinfecting contact lenses before placing them or doing it without washing your hands beforehand

Not properly cleaning makeup of the eyes before going to bed

– The use of old cosmetics or expired

– To have blepharitis

– To have rosacea or other skin conditions that manifest facial redness

Myths and truths about styes

The appearance of styes It comes, almost always as a result of the proliferation of bacteria near the eye area. Other problems such as blepharitis, stress or hormonal changes can also cause its development.

There are different myths and truths about styes, their appearance and how to prevent them from reproducing in our body. However, these myths that have prevailed to treat it only make the problem worse.

Therefore, you have to be careful with styes and take these tips into account to be able to treat it in the best way.

  • “If you get a stye it is because a pregnant woman has looked at you badly”: obviously this belief is absolutely false and is nothing more than a myth that has proliferated as a popular belief
  • “A hot chili eliminates styes”: although heat can be beneficial, using it in this way may not be beneficial to cure our stye
  • “A stye is cured by rubbing a gold ring against it”: the truth is that this belief is totally false and does not help at all to cure the stye. In fact, it can be harmful from bacteria and dirt that can get into our eyes.
  • “If you get a stye, you have to exploit it”: This widespread myth can be very harmful, so it is better not to try it. In fact, exploiting it can cause it to become infected and increase the pain, so it’s best to let it evolve on its own.
  • “Wearing sunglasses is beneficial to cure styes”: the truth is that this statement is correct. In fact, experts recommend using them as a frequency if we suffer from a stye, as this way we can stay protected from intense light

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