Why do warts appear on the neck: what to do if they do not disappear?

by time news

2023-10-20 05:24:00

Las warts on the neck Not only do they look unsightly, the reality is that this type of Growths on the skin can reveal health problems. However, most of the time we either let them grow freely or we tend to pull them out. Big mistake! Discover why do warts appear on the neck. What to do if they don’t disappear?

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In accordance with specialists from the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute, las warts they are about small benign bumps, usually rough to the touch; In some cases, they may have a pattern of blackheads that are small blood vessels of clotted blood.

Why do warts appear?

It is skin lesions They can occur anywhere on the body, as well as on any type of skin. But,why do warts appear? Mostly, the warts They have a dark side by possessing a viral origin because they are usually the result of human papillomavirus (HPV).

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What are neck warts?

Las filiform warts or acrocordones They are usually the ones that invade the neck; those that are thinner and are attached to the skin by a narrow pedicle, which almost always occur in small groups, are flesh-colored or brownish. They are usually located in the folds of the neck, armpits, groin, and even the eyelids.

Although they do not usually cause major problems, when they are located in areas of friction they can become inflamed and cause discomfort, especially if they are pulled on clothing.

What happens if you get warts on your neck?

There is a genetic predisposition that can cause warts on the neck; In this case, they are not contagious, since they are related to heredity factors, hormonal changes, overweight and, in some cases, they are related to cases of uncontrolled diabetes o insulin problems, especially if they are accompanied by dark spots.

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On the other hand, the neck warts They can also be caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). This type of virus is transmitted by direct contact between people during intimacy, but also through personal objects, clothing or towels.

There are more than 150 HPV typesbut only some can cause appearance of warts; Therefore, it is very important that once you detect them, you avoid sharing clothes and be careful with the collars you use, since the friction that can cause them to spread to other areas of the neck.

Although the neck warts They are capable of disappearing on their own over time, if you have noticed that they are still intact, do not despair or subject yourself to any Home remedylike the famous ‘thread or hair trick’ to hang her, since you could only make the problem worse or cause infection in other parts of the body.

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How to remove warts from the neck?

Forget about the home remedies to remove warts from the neck; If they do not represent a problem, it is likely that you do not require any type of treatment to remove warts, But if you want to eliminate them for aesthetic reasons, there are some treatments that could be of great help; Pay close attention and eliminate them without them appearing again.

Salicylic acid: following the instructions on the packaging and after several applications, you can achieve that the warts They soften until they come off on their own without leaving marks on the skin. Cryotherapy: used liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart tissue and its detachment can be facilitated.

Both options are quick, safe and minimally invasive; There is no risk of bleeding, infection or scarring.

Now that you know why warts appear on the neck and what to do to eliminate them, Go to your dermatologist and forget about these unsightly things skin lesions.

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