Why do young people flee Spain? Niño Becerra explains the reason

by time news

2023-09-13 13:37:00

Santiago Niño Becerra, professor of Economic Structure usually makes analyzes very focused on the daily problems that Spaniards suffer either with the help of macroeconomic data or the situations they witness in their closest environment. It’s a economist with a long academic and professional career that has received the most echo in the media environment.

His reading of the economic situation usually provides a didactic aspect and is taken into account by a multitude of followers, despite the fact that his omens they usually are quite gloomy. And regardless of whether these predictions end up coming true or not, they tend to be a thermometer of the current and immediately future panorama.

After expressing his fears about the restaurant situation, Niño Becerra wanted to focus on this occasion on a growing trend: flight of national talent.

And it is that a sector of youth trained in technical careers ends up working abroad because of the better working and economic conditions that other countries offer compared to those of Spain.

“Yesterday, the son of some friends: an engineer trained in Spain; a master’s degree in Denmark; a doctorate in Australia; he is about to join a company in Switzerland. Today, the daughter of others: an engineer trained in Spain and working in Spain; receives offer from the Netherlands and leaves”, explained Niño Becerra

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“Not only are they better paid considering the difference in purchasing power, they say that their professional possibilities are infinitely greater,” indicated the economist before leaving an uninspiring question in the air: “Spain exports high-value generating professionals and “It matters other generators of less value. Something is being done wrong, something is not going. How many thousands of girls and boys trained in ESP are in a similar situation?”

And the prestigious economist has considered this a trend that is very difficult to reverse: “By the way, neither that boy nor that girl are even remotely considering returning to Spain,” he stated.

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