Why does sunlight not reach all parts of the globe equally at the same time?

by time news

What is the reason why sunlight does not reach all parts of the globe equally at the same time? That natural phenomena have a great role in bringing about some changes in the world, and they are those that arise with the power of God in order to continue life, and when one of the systems of God Almighty is disrupted in this universe A great catastrophe will happen, as each planet of the solar system has its own system and the planet Earth has a number of functions that it performs in order to sustain life.

Sun rays

The sun’s rays are light that consists of a group of electromagnetic waves, which a person can see through the light emitted by the sun’s rays. Red and violet, which appear in the form of rainbow colors, as each color has certain characteristics and clear indications, including the presence of ultraviolet rays, and the fact that they carry different and strange energy according to the light waves emanating from the sun’s rays.

planet earth

The planet Earth is one of the planets of the solar system that existed in space, and it is one of the planets on which life has existed, and the planet Earth comes on the solar system after Mercury and Venus, and the planet enjoys the existence of life on its surface, which is approved by God Almighty, and also it is the system The only solar system in the solar system that contains liquid water present on the surface of the globe and contains a group of rocks and minerals, as the planet revolves around itself, causing many changes, including the difference in the arrival of solar rays to the surface of the globe.

How does the sun’s rays reach the Earth’s surface?

That the sun’s rays fall on the surface of the planet, after passing through the atmosphere of the planet, then comes the role of the atmosphere, which absorbs light in order to appear to us with solar rays, as the rays appear on the surface of the planet, in brown, and that all the gases The amount in the sun’s rays absorbs the rays in order to transmit them to the Earth’s surface, and the amount entering the Earth’s surface is called the solar fixed amount.

Why does sunlight not reach all parts of the globe equally at the same time?

The sun’s rays appear on separate areas of the planet’s surface, and there are a number of areas that the sun’s rays do not reach or are in a small percentage, and there are also many areas that the sun reaches throughout the day, where the arrival of sunlight to the areas of the planet varies, and scientists confirmed that the main reason In the absence of sunlight, the role of the planet Earth around itself in a fixed orbit, which increases the changes in the arrival of sunlight to the surface of the planet.

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