Why does the lower abdomen appear? How can it be treated and removed so that it does not return again?

by time news

Why does the lower abdomen appear? How can it be treated and removed so that it does not return again? – Educate me

Cause of lower belly fatBelly fat has become one of the common problems that everyone suffers from in the recent period, whether men or women, as it accumulates around that area and is prominent and anyone can see it and its size varies from person to person according to the deterioration of the condition, knowing that these fats are of two types, the first is visceral and it is peripheral With the organs of the body and the second under the skin, which is accumulated under the layers of the skin, and belly fat is considered a great danger to the body if it is not treated from the beginning, especially if the person suffers from a certain group of chronic diseases, and in the coming lines we will tell you the reason for the appearance of belly fat and the way to treat it.

Why does lower belly fat appear?

Belly fat poses a great danger to the body and health and must be addressed immediately, but first we have to identify the reasons for the appearance of the lower abdomen, which are:

  • Lack of activity: In the event that the calories that the body gets are more than burned, this helps to accumulate fat in the body and around its organs such as the abdomen, and burning is only done through exercise.
  • Heredity: Genetic genes play a role in the appearance of the lower abdomen, as they may affect metabolism and, in turn, obesity.
  • Malnutrition: Constantly eating sugars and carbohydrates while eating fast foods and not eating enough protein is one of the worst habits that accelerate obesity.
  • Lack of sleep: lack of hours of sleep means an increase in food intake, a feeling of exhaustion and fatigue, and thus obesity, and exhaustion increases the production of cortisol, which is the anxiety hormone that reduces metabolism and burning.

Ways to treat lower belly fat and get rid of it

If you suffer from the lower abdomen, the following methods will treat and get rid of belly fat:

  1. Increasing physical activity and exercising to activate the body and the burning process to get rid of excess calories.
  2. Staying away from what causes stress and anxiety so that the hormone cortisol does not increase.
  3. Relying on a healthy diet that provides the natural elements and materials needed for the body instead of fast foods.
  4. Improving sleep pattern by increasing sleep hours up to the normal rate.

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