Why does the pact appeal to private education teachers?

by time news

2023-09-21 20:51:18

“This year, I will receive 2,500 euros more gross. This is super interesting during times of inflation. Especially since in Ile-de-France, we do not have the same purchasing power as our provincial colleagues due to the high price of housing,” notes Benoit, literature teacher at the Montalembert private high school in Courbevoie ( Hauts-de-Seine). If he will put a little more butter in his spinach this year, it is because he has agreed to sign a pact which since the start of the school year has allowed teachers to carry out new missions (three maximum), in exchange for new remuneration.

For secondary school teachers, the priority is to provide short-term replacements for absent colleagues. Other missions offered: participation in the “homework done” system (help with homework in college), in success courses during vacations, in coordination missions on educational innovation projects or, for primary school teachers, at the weekly hour of support in French and maths in 6th grade created at the start of the school year.

“In the diocese of Nantes for example, 70% of the envelope has already been used”

A device criticized by the public. Although no official figures have yet been released, a survey by SNPDEN-Unsa, the main union of heads of establishments published last week, indicates that the average rate of pacts signed in public middle and high schools is 23%. And in 30% of middle and high schools, teachers have not signed any pact at this stage.

The trend is far from being the same in private education. “The system has received a favorable reception, particularly in secondary education. In the diocese of Nantes for example, 70% of the envelope has already been used and this is representative of what is happening elsewhere. In certain establishments, we even lack pact bricks,” Philippe Delorme, secretary general of Catholic education, announced this Thursday during his back-to-school conference. This is also confirmed by the Ministry of Education. A precise quantified assessment before the All Saints’ Day holidays.

Missions that were sometimes already done… for free

If the former Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, hoped for at least 30% of teachers to sign, which will not a priori be the case in the public sector, this proportion has a good chance of being exceeded in the private sector. So how can this difference in support for the system among teachers be explained? Yann Diraison, deputy secretary general for Catholic education, offers an explanation: “In Catholic establishments, teachers often carry out additional missions on a voluntary basis, such as replacing an absent colleague or being a level coordinator in a discipline. The fact that these missions are now paid has encouraged teachers to sign a pact. They experience this system as better recognition of their commitment. »

To which Benoit attests: “I often replaced colleagues during short-term absences without being paid for it. Ditto for projects I was carrying out for high school. » He therefore chose to take two pact bricks to make replacements and lead a writing workshop. He had even applied for a third pact brick, but the establishment did not grant him, because the demand was too high (43 pact bricks were offered for 150 teachers).

Some obstacles in primary school

If the pact has taken hold in private education, it is also because the weight of the teaching unions is less strong there than in the public sector. And even if the Spelc, the CFDT, the CFTC or the CGT were opposed to the system, their slogan not to join it was less followed than that of the public teachers’ unions.

The fact remains that the pact faces some obstacles in certain private primary establishments. “Teachers having 24 hours of lessons to provide, it is not easy for them to free themselves, for example, to participate in the support hour in 6th grade or in the “homework done” system, when this requires traveling to a Other institution. This is particularly true in rural areas,” underlines Yann Diraison. This suggests the contrasting figures for adherence to the pact from one region to another.

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