Why eating berries is good for runners

by time news

There’s a good reason why everything from sour candies and cornflakes to antacids and energy gels has the taste of berries. It is a crowd favorite, a sweet taste. But besides the undeniable deliciousness of artificially flavored ‘berry foods’, real berries are one of the best foods for runners. Blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, as well as their less common—but still excellent siblings—acai and gooseberries are all packed with nutrients and remarkably versatile.

All types of berries are a boon to your body and brain and support your fitness goals. So there are plenty of reasons why runners should include more of it in their diet. Here you will find all the benefits of berries and how they improve your general health and performance.

The Health Benefits Of Berries: Nutrients

Fiber is extremely important. Not only do they make us feel full, but they also aid digestion, support heart health and lower the risk of several chronic diseases, research shows. “Berries are among the best sources of dietary fiber in the fruit category,” explains dietitian Michelle Hyman. ‘They also contain antioxidants. Some varieties, such as strawberries, are even surprisingly good sources of vitamin C.”

Also read: The 6 health benefits of strawberries.

The nutritional values ​​of berries vary slightly by variety, but each has many health benefits. Below is the nutritional information per 1-cup serving of some of the most common raw berries.

Also read: 7 products you didn’t know were packed with vitamins and fiber.

Nutritional value of strawberries:

  • 53 calories
  • 1 g of protein
  • 0.5 g white
  • 13g carbohydrates
  • 3g fiber
  • 8g sugar
  • 98 mg vitamine C
  • 27 mg calcium
  • 254 mg potassium

      Nutritional value of blueberries:

      • 86 calories
      • 1 g of protein
      • 0.5 g white
      • 22g carbohydrates
      • 4g fiber
      • 15 g sugar
      • 15 mg vitamine C
      • 9 mg calcium
      • 116 mg potassium

        Nutritional value of black currant:

        • 65 calories
        • 2 g of protein
        • 1 g of white
        • 14g carbohydrates
        • 8g fiber
        • 7g sugar
        • 32 mg vitamine C
        • 44 mg calcium
        • 243 mg potassium

            Nutritional value of raspberries:

            • 78 calories
            • 2 g of protein
            • 1 g of white
            • 18g carbohydrates
            • 10g fiber
            • 7g sugar
            • 39 mg vitamine C
            • 38 mg calcium
            • 226 mg potassium

                Nutritional value of cranberries:

                • 46 calories
                • 0.5 g of protein
                • 0 g knows
                • 12g carbohydrates
                • 4g fiber
                • 4g sugar
                • 14 mg vitamine C
                • 8 mg calcium
                • 80 mg potassium

                    Why berries promote your well-being and performance

                    According to a meta-analysis published in March 2021 in the journal Circulation has been published, there is an association between eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, from any source, and a lower risk of death. But berries in particular offer a range of health benefits:

                    Berries are a natural anti-inflammatory

                    Fruit as a whole is known to fight inflammation, Hyman says, “which may be a benefit for people who exercise at high intensity, such as runners.” Vitamin C, quercetin (a flavonol), and manganese act as antioxidants in the body, adds dietitian Mary Stewart. This and the polyphenols that give berries their vibrant color make them particularly potent in the fight against chronic inflammation caused by stress, unhealthy food choices, and lack of or too much exercise.

                    They can positively contribute to your performance

                    In addition to being anti-inflammatory, berries also have antioxidant properties that counteract fatigue and promote recovery, according to nutritionist and avid runner Frances Largeman-Roth. Research suggests that taking blueberry powder as a supplement may counteract the lactate response during your run, allowing you to run for longer or at a higher intensity without fatigue, says Largeman-Roth.

                    Berries make you feel full

                    Berries are among the best carbohydrate sources for runners and are also one of the most filling ingredients to add to your post-workout snack or smoothie. This is due to their fiber content. Raspberries and blackberries are particularly high in fiber, “an important nutrient for weight management, gut health, and reducing the risk of chronic disease,” Stewart says. Berries of all kinds feed your gut with soluble fiber. Not only do these help keep you fuller for longer, but they also block the absorption of some of the fat and cholesterol into your bloodstream.

                    Berries reduce the risk of chronic diseases

                    Research shows that eating berries at least three times a week can lead to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and heart attacks. Adults who fall into the “overweight” and “obese” categories who eat 1 cup of blueberries every day for six months report remarkable improvements in heart health, according to a study published in the Journal of Health Sciences. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

                    Berries support your immune system

                    All berries are full of vitamin C and strawberries in particular are a good source. “Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps support a healthy immune system and protect cells from free radical damage,” said Largeman-Roth.

                    Berries lower the risk of certain cancers

                    Speaking of free radicals, the antioxidants in berries have been linked to a lower risk of several cancers, including breast cancer, cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, and cancer of the mouth. This can be partly attributed to the antioxidants’ ability to “detoxify” cancer-causing substances that can damage DNA during the process of cancer development.

                    10 Ways to Eat More Berries

                    • Put a few berries in ice cubes and use them in regular or sparkling water
                    • Process them in a sandwich
                    • Make a sweet and savory pizza with ricotta, prosciutto, berries, arugula and fresh herbs
                    • Stir a berry sauce for pasta with a drizzle of olive oil, berries, parmesan cheese and a pinch of salt
                    • Make jam by heating frozen berries with a spoonful of chia seeds and put it in the fridge to have a gel-like substance
                    • Fold them through pancake or waffle batter
                    • Puree frozen berries and coconut water or nut milk into a DIY sorbet
                    • Stir berries into your yogurt, cornflakes or oatmeal
                    • Prepare a tortilla roll with berries and nut butter into a snack

                      Important: ‘As with any food or drink, portion size is important. Berries are high in fiber, and while this is a great quality, consuming too much fiber too quickly can lead to digestive problems, such as bloating or constipation,” Stewart said. “If you’re eating berries for the first time, start with a small to 1 cup serving and drink plenty of water.” Also, start eating berries after your workout, rather than before, until you know how your digestive system reacts.

                      And then this…

                      “Athletes, including runners, can experience oxidative stress during exercise, so consuming enough anti-inflammatory foods, such as berries, will aid recovery,” Stewart said.

                      If it’s within your budget and you can find them, bring organic berries, Stewart suggests. This is due to the fact that strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are consistently ranked highest in terms of pesticide residues. “This can be greatly improved by buying organic products,” Stewart adds.

                      Whether you buy them fresh or frozen, organic or not; the goal is to get you two to four servings of fruit a day, with berries being a top choice.

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