Why France is outsourcing the training of Ukrainian soldiers

by time news

2023-08-15 16:00:00

Private companies, such as DCI or Themiis, will support the French effort, while accessing European funding. Explanations.

By Guerric Poncet Ukrainian soldiers train in Ukraine on August 11, 2023. © DIEGO HERRERA CARCEDO / Anadolu Agency via AFP Published on 08/15/2023 at 4:00 p.m.

The Ministry of the Armed Forces launched a call for tenders on August 11, spotted by West France, to support the training of Ukrainian forces. Very timid with the private sector when it comes to sovereign functions, the ministry has thus opened the door to the intervention of partner companies, probably in the first place those founded or led by former French soldiers, such as Défense conseil international (DCI, private group resulting from the merger of structures founded by the State) or Themiis. Candidates have until September 15 to submit their offer.

Three main areas are concerned by the call for tenders: training in the implementation of weapon systems, training for command posts of melee units (infantry or armored vehicles) and support for training provided by French military through the supply of interpreters for several languages ​​(French, Ukrainian, English, Polish and Romanian). This linguistic diversity suggests that part of the training could, logically, take place as close as possible to Ukraine, therefore in Poland or Romania.

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European funds

French training companies in the fields of security and defense are widely called upon to support arms exports and provide training to client states, particularly in the Gulf. The goal: to make up for the lack of training resources, to speed up the pace, all without amputating the training of French soldiers. This model works very well, especially if it is a question of training Ukrainians in equipment donated by France, such as the AMX-10 RC light tanks.

READ ALSOWhy the Ukrainian counter-offensive is stallingBut this is not the only objective, outsourcing also has two other important advantages. Firstly, it makes it possible to call on, in addition to the French groups and under their aegis, European companies which would be more familiar with Soviet equipment, widely used in the Ukrainian army. In addition to the training provided by the French military, the Ukrainians could then take advantage of specific modules to help them use their equipment to the maximum of their capacities. Second advantage, this call for tenders opens up the possibility for French companies to take advantage of European funds dedicated to military support for Ukraine: it is therefore possible that they themselves have requested this call for tenders from the Ministry of Armies.

Shy opening to the private

The training of soldiers by the private sector is very rare in France, where the only large-scale sprains in the military field concern the guarding of bases (first level of entry and exit control in particular), catering or even laundry. On the other hand, in the United States, for example, recourse to the private sector is systematic in certain branches, sometimes the most prestigious.

Thus, fighter pilots in the US Air Force, Marines and US Navy all use private companies to play the aggressors in training scenarios. These companies, like Atac or Draken, use old fighters, including French Mirage F1s, piloted by former soldiers who make it their specialty to tickle student pilots where they need to progress the most.

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