why France must introduce a dose of capitalization

by time news
Mathias Cormann, Secretary General of the OECD, (here Tuesday, November 29) explains in particular that capitalization makes it possible to mobilize considerable sums used to finance the energy transition. MICHELE TANTUSSI/REUTERS

DECRYPTION – In a report, the OECD promotes these growing, crisis-resistant pension schemes.

Faced with the aging of the population and the lengthening of life, funded pension systems – where working people save via pension funds to finance their future retirement – offer many advantages, pleads the OECD in its 2023 report on pensions, published on Thursday.

In France, which has opted for a pay-as-you-go system – where active people contribute to pay the pensions of current retirees – capitalization remains underdeveloped. Only civil servants benefit from it, with the additional civil service scheme (RAFP). Thanks to this plan, operational since January 1, 2005, nearly 4.5 million agents are saving for a supplementary pension.

Pharmacists also benefit from a scheme that is both pay-as-you-go and funded, the share of which now represents 50% of the pensions paid to retired pharmacists.

Many advantages

If Emmanuel Macron had mentioned in 2017 the introduction of “French pension funds”the subject remains…

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