why insurance costs will increase

by time news

2023-12-14 13:08:00

Among the unavoidable expenses, there are insurance costs, whether for car, home or even complementary health insurance. For each of the three, we should expect an increase in 2024, according to the price comparator Assurland.

In the case of car insurance, rates are expected to increase by 3.5% on average. An increase which would be justified by a higher cost to repair vehicles, the latter being ever more sophisticated. Between the months of June 2022 and 2023, this repair cost would have increased by 8.42%, according to L’Argus de l’assurance.

As for home insurance rates, they should increase by 5 to 6%. This increase is explained by the damage caused by storms and floods in recent months. Like Ciaran and Domingos, who swept across the west and north of France in early November. Between them alone, the amount of damage is estimated, by France Assureurs, at 1.3 billion euros, part of which is covered by the insurers.

READ ALSO How to sort through your insurance contractsTo this must be added a possible increase in the natural disaster surcharge. It covers floods, earthquakes, droughts, landslides, etc., while basic home insurance most often only covers damage caused by storms.

The rate of this additional premium, set by the government, is currently 12%, or around 25 euros per year per household. In a report published in September 2023, the Central Reinsurance Fund recommends a first, “short-term” increase, from 12 to 19%, then a second, up to 22%. Enough to generate an additional 500 million euros per year.

4% for complementary health insurance

The prices of complementary health insurance should increase by 4%. Supplementary health insurance covers any costs that remain your responsibility once partial reimbursement by Health Insurance has been made.

Mutual insurance companies pass on the costs linked to the aging of the population and more expensive medical treatments. The mutual insurance companies also denounce the increase from 30 to 40% of the co-payment on all procedures of dental surgeons, decided in June by the government. This transfer of charges would put an additional 500 million euros on their shoulders.

Another estimate, made by Addactis, a software publisher for the insurance sector, forecasts an increase of 8 to 12.5% ​​from January 1, 2024. “I don’t think it is acceptable to have increases of more than 8%”, reacted the Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, pleading instead for an increase of “4 to 5%”.

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