Why is Burundi, from 2020 to 2023, plunging into the arms of Globalization? –

by time news

From 2020 to 2023, the Head of State of Burundi HE Ndayishimiye Evariste has chosen to plunge – the Planning of the Barundi – into Globalization, unlike his predecessor HE Nkurunziza Pierre, the very popular President of Burundi.

Gitega, 6/03/2023 – Frame with Barundi Planningeither the set of all Barundi policies. Led by the Head of State of Barundi, HE Ndayishimiye Evariste (General Major), President of Burundilet’s observe its evolution from 2020 to today in 2023:

2020 was the year of the unexpected death of HE Nkurunziza Pierre, the very popular African president of Burundi., and the entry into office of HE Ndayishimiye Evariste (General Major), President of Burundi, at the end of the 4th democratic elections consecutive. – https://burundi-agnews.org/news/burundi-presidence-planification-2020-mort-de-nkurunziza-et-entree-en-fonction-de-ndayishimiye/

2021, the year of the assassination of the President of Tanzania Magufuli, was the year in which HE Ndayishimiye Evariste (Major General), President of Burundi: – made a point of honor to the Socio-Economic Policy of the Barundi by attaching it to Globalization de facto dismissing the policy of self-sufficiency garnered since 2015 by HE Nkurunziza Pierre; – regulated by decreeing on Defense, Security, and Justice; – and renewed diplomatically with the USA (USA, VATICAN, EU – Belgium, France -) allowing to put an end to the Humanitarian War against Burundi decreed in 2015. – https://burundi-agnews.org/add/burundi-presidence-planification-2021-fin-de-la-guerre-humanitaire-des-usa/

2022 was the year when HE Ndayishimiye Evariste (Major General), President of Burundi, set up his working team to help him carry out his policy; by diplomatically renewing reinforced bilateral contacts with the real enemies of Burundi (USA, VATICAN, EU – Belgium, France -) – https://burundi-agnews.org/bilan/burundi-la-presidence-en-2022-une-planification-ouverte-a-la-globalisation/

The 2020-2023 balance sheet shows that, from 2020, when he came to power until the present day, the – Barundi planning – what HE Ndayishimiye Evariste leads, by decreeing, brings the Barundi into – Globalization – .

However, as of 2015, in a context of geopolitical war between China and the Christian West in the African Great Lakes region, with the sanctions that the USA, the Vatican, France and Belgium including the European Union (EU), had granted to Burundi because their attempt to change the CNDD-FDD regime had failed. The Barundi, under the impetus of HE Nkurunziza Pierre, the very popular African President of Burundi, had begun to re-establish in their country – an economic system – close to its traditional self-sufficient economic system based on the – Bahutu – producing the wealth necessary for allow the Barundi to live easily, by promoting agriculture and mining.
This was a very important pan-African step, taking the Barundi out of the Western clutches it had faced since the 19th century. Because, since Belgian Colonization, a crime against humanity, started in 1919, passing “independence” in 1962 until 2005, date of the end of the Burundian civil war putting an end to the neo-colon military dictatorship. Out of a current population of more than 9 million inhabitants, Burundi has experienced a Genocide Regicide causing more than 4.5 million victims Barundi.
It is the neo-colonial military dictatorship in Burundi (1965-2005) who established the current economic system says – market economy – (capitalist) after having destroyed the traditional state of the Barundi -ingoma y’uburundi – between 1959 to 1965-1969and especially realized the Genocide against the Bahutu Barundi in 1972-1973.
The choice of the Head of State HE Ndayishimiye Evariste to plunge – the Planning of the Barundi – into Globalization is guided by the fact that he wishes to put Burundi back into a – market economy – instead of betting on the – traditional economy of the Barundi – .
Its choice to attach Burundi to this type of economy, for Africa, means renewing diplomatic ties with the Western Christian world, allowing it to benefit from financial aid from the Bretton Woods (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc.) which are in reality only colossal unjust debts for future generations of Barundi, due to the monster interest that these institutions take for their financial loans.
Moreover, to play Globalization, a policy invented by the Christianized West, you need Burundian multinationals. However, Burundi does not have one. However, NGOs are present in Burundi to allow the bosses of Western foreign multinationals, through their various Foundations, to influence the plan of Burundian Geopolitics, endangering Burundi as in 2015.

However, an alternative was possible for Burundi since the events of 2015, by putting back in place the traditional economy of the modernized Barundi by enjoying the financial loans of the BRICS, fairer than those of the BRETTONS WOODS of the -International Community- or the West Christianized-.

To find out more about Globalization, 2 Burundian actors wrote about it. The ethnicizer M. Buyoya Pierrein 1998, in “Mission possible: building lasting peace in Burundi ” where he considers Globalization as a new Burundian ethnic group to be integrated into the equation of Burundian ethnic sharing that he advocated at that time.
In June 2000, M. Sindayigaya Jean Marie [1] wrote: “Globalization: Africa’s New Slavery“, considering Globalization as a continuation of Colonization, of which Slavery began in the 15th century in Africa and America, a crime against humanity, a real genocide with varying figures between 400 Million and 800 Million African and Amerindian victims.
In this perspective, neo-colonialism in Africa, with the regimes of military dictatorships, just after independence, was only a continuation.
Prof. Pini-Pini Nsasay Evariste auteur –Decolonial– Congolese, in his works: –The civilizing mission in the Congo – Reducing living spaces in prison and hell -(2012)– ; – Crusades of Christianized Europe against Ancestral Africa, Volume I – Trial of Murderous Christianity- (2017) ; Crusades of Christianized Europe against ancestral Africa, Volume II – The permanent war in Africa – (2018) ; et -Africa in a coma – ( 2022 ). He deconstructs this Globalization. Starting from the 4th century, from the Emperor of Rome Constantine who created – the Catholic religion – becoming the 1st Pope of Catholicism. Having the ambition to first conquer Europe -the inquisition- (with multiple heretics), then the World (Asia, America, and Africa).
From the 11th century, the Emperor of Rome was no longer the Pope. The Pope now had his State. After the time of the Inquisition in Europe, in the 15th century, the Vatican and its vassal States (Portugal, Spain) set out to conquer America and Africa, beginning – Colonization – (including Slavery) , creating European Empires and – Modern Capitalism – .
It’s that – modern capitalism -, socio-economic system, driver of – Neocolonialism – , which changed to – Neoliberalism -, the heart of today’s globalization.
In our region of the African Great Lakes, Kenya, just like Rwanda [2],, are the states most deeply linked to Globalization.

In conclusion, from a security point of view, Burundi, like the entire African Great Lakes region, is experiencing the CHINA-USA Geopolitical War (Christianized Western World).
Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda have chosen the – western – camp, wishing to balkanize the DRC Congo and Tanzania, by changing the political regimes in Burundi and Tanzania.
The security destabilization of this region makes it possible to disrupt the Chinese silk road DAR SALAM (TANZANIA) – KIVU (DRC, BURUNDI,RWANDA) – KATANGA (DRC).
The positioning of HE Ndayishimiye Evariste in Globalization puts Burundi on the same road as Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda. It is a very difficult bet chosen by the Head of State HE Ndayishimiye Evariste because the Christianized West, behind this Globalization, wants change the CNDD-FDD regime in place in Burundi of which he is a part.
Only the Ubuntu of the Barundi, the tradition of the Barundi, will allow Burundi to succeed in its bet, for un geste d’intelligence collectiveby consolidating the existing harmonious links between the various miryango Barundi, in particular those of the Bahutu and the Bahima Barundi [3].
The Western citizen, Christianized, that of Globalization, is only a living citizen of – publicity – inciting him to the consumption of Western products, turned towards the material.
The Murundi citizen, living from free, the ancestry of the Barundi, lives with human values ​​in harmony with the laws of nature (of the Cosmos) and other human beings on earth.
Why turn the planning of the Barundi towards this Globalization? Do we want to have Christianized Barundi citizens living off – publicity –, dreaming of the West, rid of the Ubuntu of their ancestors, their Tradition?
The Burundian Presidency should open a social debate with the CNDD-FDD party, the first political force in Burundi, by exchanging with all the representatives of all the miryango Barundi. This would make it possible to put in place a Barundi Planning in harmony with what the Barundi really are.
The Barundi, before being Christians, Catholics, Muslims, … are first of all beings of Ubuntu, of their ancestry, of their Tradition.


[1] Burundi: Understanding Globalism or Globalism for BARUNDI – https://burundi-agnews.org/afrique/burundi-comprendre-le-mondialisme-ou-la-globalisme-pour-les-barundi/
[2] Why is the Rwanda model disturbing Burundi, its neighbors and Africa? – https://burundi-agnews.org/economie/pourquoi-le-modele-du-rwanda-perturbe-le-burundi-ses-voisins-et-lafrique/
[3] Burundi : The Mukakaryenda dynasty – From Inakibindigiri to Ruburisoni – https://burundi-agnews.org/abahanuzi/burundi-la-dynastie-des-mukakaryenda/

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Sources: Nahimana P., Saturday March 4, 2023 | Photo: Presidency.bi

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