Why is my partner not looking for me sexually?

by time news

2024-07-15 14:00:18

Apart from the thought that your better half doesn’t like you anymore, it is possible that the reason for your low sex drive is something else: from stress to some drug you take.

Last update: July 15, 2024

Relationships are not easy: they have moments in which everything flows wonderfully, but others in which they are not on the same page. An example is when you want to be intimate with your love and he or she does not have the same love, many times in a way. Then you start to think, worry and wonder: why my partner does not pursue me sexually?

Before you decide that this means the end of the relationship, we will tell you that There are different reasons why your partner does not want to have sex, and they do not necessarily have to do with you.. Do you want to know what they are? Next, we will go into them and give you advice on what to do to change this situation.


Perhaps this is one of the most common reasons for low sexual desire in a couple. It’s no secret to anyone that the pace of modern life is exhausting: you can face stressful situations—and those that make you feel—at work, university and even at home, and all this has an impact on communication.

An article is published Journal of Sexology and Society (RSS) indicate that Continued stress helps the production of prolactin, which results in a decrease in sexual desire. So if you ask yourself, why is my partner not looking for me sexually?, and you notice that things are not going well at work, for example, it is possible that the stress caused by this situation is the problem.

The safe

A psychological factor that can be reducing your partner’s libido are fears and insecurities, which attack regardless of behavior. In the case of women, one of the most common is related to body image. And that’s it With aging, many women do not feel as attractive and women like when they were younger.

But this is not only a problem for older women, because it also happens to many women after giving birth. In the case of men, the most common fear is often “loss of erection during intercourse”, which may be due to anxiety about not being compatible during sex.

Remember that the insecurities mentioned are not exclusive to each gender.. There can be women who are afraid of being incompatible and men who are insecure with themselves.

Emotional problems

Do you wonder why my partner does not seek me out sexually, and you notice that he is sad and dull? You may not go through an emotional state. Depression has loss of interest in sexual relationships as one of its symptoms, in accordance with what is indicated by the Mayo Clinic.

Consider the behavior of the better half: if, in addition to low libido, you notice that you have feelings of depression, sadness, anxiety, lack of desire, fatigue or lack of energy, it is better to go to a consultation science as soon as possible.


Believe it or not, there are drugs that have decreased libido as a side effect. An example of these are antipsychotics.which increases prolactin in the body, and as previously shown, this reduces the sexual desire of your partner.

Other drugs that can also cause this problem are some antidepressants (especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), barbiturates, and even some diuretics, as suggested in the previously mentioned RSS article.

It’s been

Having a glass of wine or a beer in a gathering with friends and family is normal, but if your partner drinks every day, and in large quantities, this can affect their intimate life.

Alcohol use is linked to sexual dysfunctionwhich can appear in your partner is not available for you to have sex. It can also be the cause of erectile dysfunction in men and make it difficult for women to have sex.

couple fight

We know that in a relationship there will always be fights or fights, but if these happen often—and are not resolved—they create resentment within you.

What does all this mean? In which your partner does not want to have a relationship with you and may even make you break up, to the point of ending the relationship. If you think you are going through a fight or argument as a couple, the idea is to talk about the situation and take action to resolve it, such as going to therapy.

Health problems

Among the physiological causes of “why is my partner not looking for me sexually?”, there are various diseases. And there are chronic conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, that can affect compatibility.

This is because, When there is a chronic illness, in general, Human nervous systems and endocrine systems have changedlead to dysfunctional sexwhich includes a decrease in love in men and women.

Remember that if your partner has other sexual disorders, such as vaginismus, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness or difficulty reaching orgasm, it will also affect their low sex drive.


Imagine this situation: there is a chocolate cake that you love and you eat it every day, but after a while it starts to get boring. Now let’s transfer this example to intimacy with your partner: if you do the same sex position often, in the same room and even at the same times, it is possible that one of the parties – or both – does not want to have they.

monotony and routine are the enemies of relationships. Therefore, If this is happening to you, you must update: For example, do it blindly and in different places at home (or outside of it). Add routines that get you out of that routine and rekindle your passion.

Hormonal changes

Hormones play an important role in the sexual sphere. When there are conditions that affect your balance, this has consequences on love, which is the answer to why your partner does not seek you out sexually.

Sexual desire may decrease during menopause due to a decrease in estrogen. In the case of men, it can occur due to a decrease in testosterone during aging.

There are also hormonal changes that affect libido and have nothing to do with age, such as pregnancy or hormonal disorders and those related to thyroid problems.

A child

Becoming a parent is a very important event in a couple’s life, because it represents a set of new experiences and responsibilities. Taking care of a new member of the family can be a very tiring task, especially if they are first-time parents.

And this affects your compatibility as a couple. It is very possible that If your partner does not pursue you sexually and you have a small child, it is because you are tired and have no energy for anything else. If your better half is a woman, you must also add the hormonal imbalance that you also have and you can even feel insecure about your body after pregnancy.

I don’t feel loved by my partner: what can I do?

We know that when there is no intimacy between a couple you can experience dissatisfaction, anxiety and your sense of self can also be affected. Many people believe that if their partner does not want to be committed because they did something wrong or they are to blame for the situation, which-as you can see in the previous reasons-is not always the case.

The first thing you should do, if you face this problem, is Sit down and talk to your partner and openly express your feelings and fears. Using a calm tone of voice and speaking without insults are two good things tips to improve communication with him half.

Once you have the answer to why my partner does not come to me sexually?, there are different actions or ways they can take to change the situation. Some suggestions are:

Seek professional help

Low sex drive is a sign that couples therapy is needed. In it, and with the guidance of an expert, they will be able to resolve unresolved conflicts and improve communication, which means a strong and healthy relationship.

try new things

A famous phrase says “the fun is different” and this applies to intimacy with your better half. Get out of the routine and have a date or romantic break, use sex toys, clothes and try new positions. These actions can help restore your partner’s sexual desire.

Do activities to release stress

As we have already shown, stress can be one of the reasons why your partner does not seek you out sexually. So helping to establish a better half will bring benefits to your relationship. They do yoga, pilates or reflection together. You can even take a relaxing shower as a couple, which can lead to the intimate meeting you’ve been hoping for.

Visit the doctor

If the reason for your partner’s low libido is related to drugs, the way to solve it is to go to the doctor and evaluate the possibility of changing the drug for another one that does not have this side effect.

In addition, A visit to the doctor can give you alternatives in cases of low sexual desire related to hormonal imbalance. For example, estrogen hormone therapy may be useful for postmenopausal women with low libido, as suggested in this RSS post.

Patience and understanding: the keys to recovering your partner’s libido

Rekindling the flame and getting your partner to come to you sexually again is a process that requires a lot of patience on your part. And it may take some time to resolve, especially if the reason is related to the emotional and psychological aspect.

Try to be quiet and understanding, since if you communicate as an emotion, what can happen is that a fight or a new fight arises, which brings great damage to the relationship. Last but not least, analyze your feelings: if you both love each other, then your relationship is definitely worth fighting for.

#partner #sexually

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