Why is my wifi slow and how can I make it go faster?

by time news

Internet connection is a breakthrough of the modern age. There are few technologies more ubiquitous than the wifithe medium through which radio signals sent from our router they connect with the devices we use in our home. Previously, these Internet-enabled devices mostly included one or two laptops, desktops, and phones.

Today, however, it could be any type of Internet of Things (IoT) device, from smart TVs to security cameras to smart doorbells and virtual assistants. All of these elements require connectivity, and some may require high speed to function properly.

Unfortunately, and for various reasons, reaching that desired speed can end up being quite difficult. Diagnosing the problem, as explained by the cybersecurity company ESET, is the first step to solving it.

Place the router well

The device, in charge of keeping us connected to the Internet, may be too far from your device, or blocked by physical obstacles, which means that wireless signals are not transmitted. This is probably the most common cause of slow Wi-Fi. Relocate the router in a central area of ​​the house can help solve the problem.

How is it going?

The router may need an update, or be running outdated firmware which could also affect its performance. Taking this into account, it is important that the user has a device that is in good condition if he wants his browsing speed to be as necessary.

It can also be interesting to invest in several devices to create a wifi mesh that enhances the signal to remote areas of the house.

many devices

The home network may simply be overloaded with the large number of devices trying to connect at the same time. Check how many devices are working on the home network and disconnect those that are not in uso.

Lots of bandwidth consumption

If any of these devices are running bandwidth-intensive applications, such as gaming-related software, there will be less for the rest of the house, causing that slowness.

Wi-Fi frequency bands and channels

Wireless signals work on different frequency bands and channels. If your neighbors are tuned to the same channel as your home, it is possible that capacity has been exceeded in your area. If your router doesn’t do it automatically, try changing it to reduce signal interference.

The 5GHz frequency band offers more Wi-Fi channels to choose from than the 2.4GHz spectrum. Coverage may be better on the former, but speed will be better on the latter spectrum.

ISP congestion

Some service providers may restrict customers’ Internet speeds if they exceed data usage or there is excessive network congestion. In this case, consider the possibility of cchange internet service provider or upgrade your broadband package.

they are stealing from you

Not only the neighbors can be the cause of the slow speed of the Internet in your house. Sometimes they can try to use your own Wi-Fi connection for free by guessing your password. For this, and for other reasons also related to cybersecurity, it is convenient that the user change wifi passwordat least once every six months.

VPN day

They help improve online privacy, but they can also slow down your Internet connection, because they add extra steps between your device and the Internet. To fix the problem, consider update the VPN to a more optimized version.

Malicious code

If devices have been compromised with malicious code, it may be running in the background, communicating with other computers over the Internet, and using up system resources and bandwidth, which can hurt overall performance.

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