Why is there a global increase in penile cancer?

by time news

2024-07-03 16:52:00

Breast cancer is known to be rare, but cases are increasing. Some experts predict a 77% increase in penile cancer by 2050.

While developing countries tend to have the highest rates of penile cancer, cases are increasing in many European countries. As the population ages, cases tend to increase. Being over 50 is one of the main risk factors for penile cancer, and Europe has an aging population.

Other risk factors are firm sole skin, poor personal hygiene and smoking. Cervical cancer is rare in people who are born with cancer. Squamous penile ovaries are responsible for more than 90% of penile cancers. Other malignant neoplasms, such as melanoma, basal cell carcinoma or sarcoma, are less common. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been identified in approximately half of squamous cell cancer cases.

Papilloma viruses are transmitted through body contact and are probably the most common sexually transmitted infection in humans. More than 70% of sexually active adults will contract papillomavirus infections, often in their teens.

Infections usually cause no symptoms and may disappear in a matter of months or years without long-term complications. Unfortunately, prior HPV infection does not appear to protect against future infections. These infections can stay below the surface of the skin. Infrequently, this can cause changes in the skin and color, known as precancerous changes. Painless, asymptomatic sores or warts can develop, usually on the glans penis and under the skin.

HPV 16, the most common high-risk type of HPV, can cause malignant changes in the genital tissues or the cervix, mouth, throat, vulva, vagina, and anus. It may be the most carcinogenic HPV. Fortunately, HPV vaccines have already done a great job in reducing cervical cancer rates. The effects of these vaccines on penile cancer may take longer to appear because there is a long time between HPV infection and the development of cancer.

A diagnosis of penile cancer is often delayed because patients feel guilty or ashamed. Many men report self-medication with antimicrobial creams or steroids when making a doctor’s appointment.

Lesions are sometimes classified as benign without realizing that if malignant cells have spread to the lymph nodes, the chance of recovery is greatly reduced, so prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential. Cancer can be successfully removed using laser or microsurgery, which can be combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. However, some tumors do not respond well to treatment and it may be necessary to cut the tumor, although it is always the last goal. Brazil has one of the highest rates of penile amputations, with nearly two performed every day.

But there is hope on the horizon. New approaches, such as the use of genetically modified T cells that attack HPV-infected cells, or vaccines such as tislelizumab that improve immune responses to squamous cell tumors, have been shown to be effective in other times.

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