Why is there ‘fire’ on the Sun if its atmosphere has no oxygen?

by time news

2024-01-12 17:11:20

If we look towards the Sol from the surface of the Earth, or even if we look at the images taken by satellites and telescopes, its appearance in a boat soon resembles a ball covered in fire. However, this seems contradictory, since there is no oxygen in the sun and we know that this gas is necessary for combustion to occur, which would be the necessary reaction for there to be fire on the Sun.

This is a question that many people often ask themselves. How can there be fire in the Sun if no oxygen to light it? Well, the short answer to this question is that, in reality, what keeps the sun switched on It’s not fire.

This is a reaction known as nuclear fusion, by which the nuclei of two light atoms fuse to form a heavier one. In the case of the Sun, the fuel is hydrogen. That is, their nuclei fuse to give rise to a new element: helium. It is a reaction that generates a lot of energy, hence it gives us that feeling that there is fire in the Sun. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Why can’t there be fire on the Sun?

Fire, as we understand it on Earth, is the result of a reaction of combustion. This occurs when a fuel, usually a hydrocarbon, reacts with oxygen, generating energy, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

For one of these reactions to occur and generate a flame, at least 16% oxygen is needed, and Earth is the only known place in the Universe where this can occur. In fact, our atmosphere has a 21% oxygenso there is plenty to generate combustion.

Of course, this must be available and the adequate conditions. But at least we know it’s possible. In the Sun it is not.

Solar flares are not flares. NASA/SDO/AIA/Goddard Space Flight Center (Wikimedia)

What are those flames then?

We have already seen that the Sun’s energy, like that of the rest of the stars, is generated through nuclear fusion. However, if we look at the Sun, it seems that there are flames, like those of a bonfire. In fact, although this phenomenon is known as solar flareit is also sometimes called a solar flare.

These are actually very intense releases of energy. They occur when the electromagnetic energy that accumulates on the solar surface is suddenly released. Fire is also the product of a great release of energybut they are different phenomena, although their appearance is similar.

In fact, a solar flare is a much more energetic and explosive phenomenon than fire. Luckily for those of us who live on Earth.

In conclusion, no, there is no fire on the Sun. We see light and heat is released due to the emission of energy, but it has nothing to do with fire, no matter how much it reminds us of the emission of energy that is observed. in combustion.

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#fire #Sun #atmosphere #oxygen

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