Why is there so little talk about alpha females?

by time news

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Why are we talking so little about Alpha females? Among our primate cousins: chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, authority, power, cooperation, competition, filial ties and sexual behaviors are much more shared than we imagine.

Let’s shed light on the thorny question of gender through the observation and study of our closest primate cousins: chimpanzees and bonobos. How do these great apes share (or not) power, domination, sexual behavior and filial ties? The mirror held up to us by our primate cousins ​​shakes all the coconut palms of our received ideas, in one direction, as in the other…

Different: gender seen by a primatologist : this is the take from the latest essay by our guest, the famous primatologist Frans de Waal, which sheds light, via ethology, on our most burning controversies on gender and sex…

With the primatologist Frans deWaal, for his new work Different, the gender seen by a primatologist published by Éditions les Liens qui liberating.

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