Why it is so important that your diet contains enough folic acid

by time news

The folic acid recommendations are flying around you when you are pregnant, but even if you are not carrying a baby it is important to get enough of this acid. It is good at every stage of your life.

What exactly is folic acid?

Folic acid is the organic material in vitamin B11. In Germany, France and the United States, folic acid is referred to by a different name, namely vitamin B9. It mainly plays a major role in the production of new cells, specifically red blood cells. These are the cells that carry oxygen throughout your body. If you get enough folic acid, you will produce red blood cells in the right shape and size.

Since your body cannot do without the circulation of red blood cells, folic acid is one of the vitamins that keep your body running. It is described as crucial, especially at the beginning of a pregnancy, because it reduces the risk of brain and spinal cord damage. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to take a supplement with folic acid every day and to consume as much food as possible that contains folate. However, it is also important for non-pregnant women, because of the important role that folic acid plays in maintaining your cardiovascular system.

How Much Folic Acid Do Women Need?

The daily amount of folic acid for women over the age of 20 is 400 micrograms. Pregnant women need more, namely 600 micrograms per day. Lactating women need 500 micrograms per day. If you take a little more, that’s no problem. Your body then removes it automatically. However, a large surplus is not exactly the intention: more than 1000 micrograms (1 milligram) of folic acid per day can actually have negative effects. This is especially bad for your stomach and digestion.

How do I get enough folic acid?

There are many different types of food that contain a high concentration of folic acid. If you want to make sure you get enough folic acid, these foods are recommended:

  • Eggs
  • Pinda’s
  • Zwartoogbonen (other boonsorten)
  • Vegetables with dark green leaves (spinach, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, romaine lettuce)
  • Round liver
  • avocado’s
  • Whole-wheat products
  • Fortified breakfast cereals

Supplement in the form of supplements

Pregnant women can replenish their internal folate stores with the help of prenatal supplements. It is wise to always ask a doctor first which amount is most convenient for you. For non-pregnant women, it is always easiest to get folic acid through food. However, if you follow a certain diet, you may be deficient in folate. You can also take supplements as a supplement.

Source: Woman and Home, Beau Monde | Image: iStock

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