Why mental health is a priority for action on climate change

by time news

Geneva, Switzerland A new policy brief from the World Health Organization (WHO) launched today at the Stockholm + 50 conference concludes that climate change poses significant risks to mental health and wellness. Therefore, WHO urges countries to include mental health support in their response to the climate crisis, citing examples where a few pilot countries have achieved this effectively.

These findings are consistent with a recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the Climate Panel), published in February of this year. The Climate Change Panel revealed that rapidly increasing climate change poses an escalating threat to mental health and psychosocial well-being; From emotional distress to anxiety, depression, grief and suicidal behaviour.

She said Dr. Maria Neira“The impacts of climate change are increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives, and there is very little dedicated mental health support available to people and communities dealing with climate-related and long-term risks.”

The effects of climate change on mental health are unevenly distributed, with some groups being disproportionately affected depending on factors such as socioeconomic status, gender and age. However, it is clear that climate change affects many social determinants that are already imposing enormous burdens on mental health globally. A 2021 WHO survey of 95 countries found that only 9 countries had so far included mental health and psychosocial support in their national health and climate change plans.

She said Devora KestelDirector of WHO’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Control: “The impact of climate change is compounding an already very difficult situation for mental health and mental health services globally. There are close to a billion people living with mental health conditions, however, no Essential services are available only to 3 out of 4 people in low- and middle-income countries. By stepping up support for mental health and psychosocial support as part of disaster risk reduction and climate action, countries can do more to help protect the most vulnerable.”

The new WHO policy brief recommends five important approaches for governments to address the mental health impacts of climate change:

  • Integrating climate considerations with mental health programs
  • Integrating mental health support with climate action
  • Building on global commitments
  • Develop community-based approaches to reducing vulnerabilities
  • Closing the existing large funding gap for mental health and psychosocial support

And he said Dr. Diarmid Campbell-LendrumWHO is responsible for climate change and lead author at the Climate Panel: “Women’s member states have made it very clear that mental health is a priority. We work closely with countries to protect people’s physical and mental health from climate threats.”

There are some good examples of how to do this: in the Philippines, which reconstructed and improved mental health services after being affected by Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, or in India, where a national project scaled up disaster risk reduction in the country while also enabling cities to prepare to respond to hazardous hazards. Climate and addressing mental health and psychosocial needs.

The Stockholm Conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, and recognizes the importance of environmental determinants of both physical and mental health.

Notes to editors

WHO defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which each individual achieves his or her own potential, can overcome life’s stresses, work productively and productively, and is able to make a contribution to society.”

WHO defines mental health and psychosocial support as “any type of internal or external support aimed at protecting or promoting psychosocial well-being and/or preventing or treating mental disorders”.

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