“Why not Madoff at Bercy?”: the appointment of the Minister of Housing is already controversial

by time news

2024-02-09 09:34:00

Barely named, already criticized. New Minister of Housingappointed a month later Gabriel Attal, the head of government, is already controversial. It is Guillaume Kasbarian, deputy for Eure-et-Loir (28). Little known to the general public, this close friend of Gabriel Attal and member of the “fan club” ofEmmanuel Macron, is much more so of associations. And not necessarily for the better. The reason? The elected representative Renaissance has decided to tackle housing squats and unpaid rent. Which earned him the nickname “Mr Anti-Squats”.

In two stages, Guillaume Kasbarian decided to speed up the eviction procedures, first of squatters and then of bad-paying tenants. In the name of respect for property rights. “It is a fundamental principle that must be respected», insisted the MP in Le Figaro, before submitting his first bill, in September 2020. To which the left and the associations had opposed the right to housing. “The right to housing is not the right to squat. Nothing justifies squatting», Guillaume Kasbarian retorted.

The first salvos against this self-proclaimed liberal were launched by the left and associations. The most piquant is signed Ian Brossat, communist senator and former deputy of Anne Hidalgo, in charge of housing. “His feat of arms: having passed a law to facilitate rental evictions. And why not Madoff at Bercy?» The president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors does not mince his words. Pascal Brice, for whom the appointment of the new Minister of Housing is “a real provocation“, remembers that Guillaume Kasbarian fought so that “French people who cannot pay their rent receive prison sentences“. Before the measure, provided for in the bill adopted in December 2022, is withdrawn.

Within the Abbé-Pierre Foundation, which publishes a report on poor housing every year, reactions are more or less virulent. The general delegate Christophe Robert “hopes to find in Guillaume Kasbarian, a better inspired interlocutor than he has been recently with regard to the most fragile“. His director of studies is more direct, not hesitating to talk about “terrible signal for the poorly housed».

On the professional side, the tone is more consensual, without forgetting to urge the new minister to “act quickly», like the National Housing Federation, to resolve the housing crisis. Its president Loïc Cantin calls in particular for a “one-year moratorium on HCSF standards which blocks access to real estate credit for many households” and a modification of the Climate and Resilience law which provides, among other things, for a ban on renting G-rated housing in January 2025. “Energy non-decency should only apply to housing rented “from” January 1, 2025 and not “with effect” from January 1, 2025“, he specifies. If no work is carried out, more than 640,000 homes would be threatened with leaving the rental stock, according to the previous Minister of Housing Patrice Vergriete.

So many properties which will not be accessible to tenants who are struggling to find accommodation. Quite a project for his successor Guillaume Kasbarian. Not to mention the severe crisis affecting new housing. And which makes the president of the Building Federation release this threat: “We don’t have tractors but we have 36 ton cranes, that’s the equivalent of 20 tractorsalerted Olivier Salleron on BFM Business, in reference to the anger of farmers. When they leave the construction sites, instead of going to the workshops, they will perhaps land on the ring roads or a few roundabouts.» The new Minister of Housing has been warned.

#Madoff #Bercy #appointment #Minister #Housing #controversial

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