Why picking your nose during flu season is a really bad idea

by time news

Are you secretly a bit addicted to picking your nose? You’re not the only one. American research shows that about 90 percent of people sometimes do rhinotillexe. That’s the scientific name for nose picking.

Picking your nose during flu season

Although ENT doctors do not all agree, most say that nose picking is, by definition, not really healthy. But it’s an extra bad idea to pick your nose during the flu season (between October and March). This makes you more susceptible to the flu.

The flu and cold viruses in snot, mucus and saliva are transmitted through the air, but also through hands and objects, such as a doorknob or shopping cart. You can imagine that you sometimes have a virus on your hands after opening a door or doing some shopping. But if you then touch your nose or mouth with your contaminated hand, there is a good chance that you will become ill. In the flu season it is therefore important that you touch your face as little as possible. You understand: picking your nose is not a good idea at all.

Damage to the mucous membrane

Waiel Alkhateeb, ENT doctor at Haaglanden Medical Center (HMC) explains to Nu.nl that it is also harmful to the mucous membrane to pick your nose. ‘The nasal mucosa is essential for the blood circulation in the nose, as well as for heating, moistening and cleaning the inhaled air,’ he explains. Because you always cause damage there with picking, the blood flow of the cartilage in the nose is also affected.

In addition, snot has an important function in the fight against viruses. ‘The mucins in snot ensure that the viruses are packaged and inactivated. Snot in your nose can be annoying, but it is extremely important for a healthy existence,’ says Alkhateeb.

Enough reasons to leave your nose alone from now on, right?

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