Why should you take off your shoes when entering the house? – Step To Health

by time news

2023-09-24 23:30:12

Taking off your shoes before entering the house is a good habit if you want to reduce the entry of germs and dirt into indoor spaces.

Last update: September 24, 2023

Maybe you haven’t considered taking off your shoes before entering the house; however, andIt’s a simple habit that can help you reduce the entry of dirt and germs to the interior spaces of your home. In fact, it is no longer a simple practice of oriental origin.

Nowadays, many have adopted the habit of entering the house barefoot because it is associated with several benefits. If you haven’t done it yet, we invite you to discover 8 reasons to encourage you to implement it now.

What does reach the soles of your shoes

It is true that there are places where the floors are—apparently—cleaner; offices and shopping centers are some examples. Often, In these they use chemical products that help reduce the presence of germs. In addition, cleaning is regular.

However, it does not happen the same in all places. It is inevitable not to step on surfaces that are contaminated with dirt and a wide variety of viruses and bacteria. The street, the bus station and almost any outdoor area represents a risk.

Still, most people wear the same shoes inside and outside the home. And although the risk of contracting an infection through this route is low, it is not completely zero. It has been determined that many microorganisms enter the interior of the house through the soles of shoes.

Some, as they have the ability to proliferate and come into contact with the mucous membranes, lead to respiratory or digestive system infections. Some of the contaminants observed in shoes are the following:

Escherichia coli: a bacteria that is considered among the main causes of diarrhea; It is also associated with urinary tract infections, bloodstream infections, and respiratory diseases. It can settle on floors due to animal droppings.
Clostridium difficile: also causes diarrhea and is associated with colitis. It is quite common on the soles of shoes, especially in urban environments.
Staphylococcus aureus: It has been found in the shoes of people who work in health centers or who handle food. This pathogen is very contagious, and can cause furunculosis and other infections, with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, stomach spasms, muscle and joint pain.
Pesticides and herbicides: They are products used where there are green areas, such as parks, crops and even golf courses; They can impregnate the soles of the shoes and remain in the crevices. Some cause irritation, allergic reactions or poisoning.

All these substances and bacteria that can cause health problems are not visible to the eye; However, they are in footwear and enter our home, along with dust and dirt in general.

Why should you take off your shoes when entering the house?

At this point, you probably already have an idea of ​​why it is advisable to take off your shoes before entering the house. Still, we are going to address 8 reasons in detail.

1. Pathogen reduction

As we have mentioned, different bacteria that cause diseases are found in shoes, in immeasurable quantities. In studies carried out on the subject it has been determined that There are hundreds of thousands of microorganisms of this type in footwear.

The fact is that they accumulate and feed on each other. In addition, conditions such as humidity and heat create favorable conditions for their proliferation. Therefore, removing your shoes before walking inside the house is a measure that contributes to well-being.

2. Decrease in dirt

Dust, as well as other elements, including possible remains of animal feces—domestic or not—can adhere to the soles. By removing your shoes when entering your home, you will greatly reduce the entry of dirt and bad odors into your spaces.

3. Easier cleaning

The spores of some of the aforementioned bacteria are not so easy to remove. Hence the need to use disinfectant products to clean the floors.

By preventing these microorganisms from entering the home through shoes, it also reduces the need to use such cleaners. Not to mention that the tiles will not get as dirty and it will be easier to keep them clean most of the day.

4. Wooden floor care

Removing shoes when entering the house can contribute to the care and conservation of hardwood floors. For example, this prevents rubbing against harder soles and possible contact with corrosive substances that may have adhered.

5. Cleaner carpets

If you have carpets inside the house, contact with shoes can accelerate their deterioration. Dust, mud and other debris make it difficult to clean and disinfect. In fact, they can become breeding grounds for microbes.

6. Childcare

Dirty floors with shoes can be even more risky in homes with children. It must be remembered that little ones usually put some items in their hands and mouths that they also throw on the ground. And if they are of crawling age, the situation is even more complicated.

7. Relaxing for the feet

Taking off your shoes after a strenuous day You usually experience a feeling of relaxation that intensifies when you walk barefoot or in socks for a while. In fact, this practice is associated with benefits for the support of the foot and its muscles.

8. Cultural reasons

In some Asian countries—especially Japan—removing shoes before entering the house, school or other places is a custom associated with this. It is thought that beyond leaving out dirt, bad energies are also left out.

So how can you walk around the house if you take off your shoes in the entryway?

If you have decided to adopt the practice of removing your shoes before entering the house, you may now be wondering: “How to walk inside the house?” If it is comfortable for you, it is okay to do it barefoot or in socks. Even, This is advisable if you walked in heels all day or if you have circulation problems.

However, you may want to avoid direct contact of your feet or socks with the floor. In certain cases—if the surface is uneven—this can worsen the pain in the heels or lead to the appearance of calluses. It is also not a good option if there are bone spurs or bunions.

So the solution in these cases is Have some comfortable slippers or slippers on hand to change when you get home. This becomes more relevant among older adults, who can be exposed to injuries and falls when they are barefoot. Also for diabetic patients who are at risk of complications in case of wounds.

Some tips to keep in mind

If you consider removing your shoes when entering the house as an alternative, keep in mind some additional recommendations:

Set up a shoe-off area near the front door. In this area there should be a piece of furniture to place your shoes, as well as a bench in case you need to sit down when taking them off. Likewise, if you don’t want to go barefoot, keep spare shoes nearby. Inform your family and friends about this custom. This way you prevent them from entering your house with their shoes on. Ask your visitors, in a polite manner, if they would mind removing their shoes. Have slippers or similar available for visitors.

Of course, with some guests or on formal occasions, such as a dinner or meeting, you will have to be flexible with the no-shoes rule.

Is it risky not to remove your shoes when entering the house?

While we have seen that there are some benefits to removing shoes when entering the home, It is not considered an obligation to adopt this custom. This is the free choice of the person or family group.

Regarding microbes, it is just a measure to reduce their presence at home. These can leak through other means, such as humidity problems or the presence of pets. In any case, it is advisable to clean the floors well regularly.

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