Why shouldn’t you go to sleep if you have a headache? It could be “life or death”

by time news

2023-04-25 19:14:37

You could say that the headache It is one of the most common ailments. Hence, we do not give it so much importance, in the end with a pill it passes. But the situation could become life or death in certain cases, example, Why shouldn’t you go to sleep if you have a headache?

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, rarely headache it has a serious cause, even with lifestyle change it may go away.

Yolanda Andrade hospitalized in an emergency

Sleep to calm the headache? Perhaps it is not such a good idea, as revealed by the host Yolanda Andrade. Through her Instagram, the artist shared that she had been hospitalized in an emergency.

“You can still see the little patches that they put on when they have catheters, she posts from the hospital… I did not ask her for authorization to reveal what happened to her, but she just told me, take care of the headaches,” explained the communicator.

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Andrade confirmed that she was about to die, although she has not revealed the exact diagnosis, the 51-year-old artist pointed out that it all started with a headache, but then vomiting and stomach pain followed.

“Don’t fall asleep with a headache”, Andrade.

What if you have a headache and you fall asleep?

It’s not that it’s bad to sleep when you have a headache. Actually, find out the cause of it, as that can determine if it is dangerous or not. The United States Library of Medicine points out that the possible origins, and that should set off your alarms are:

1- High blood pressure
2- Bleeding in the area between the brain and the thin tissue
3- Infection in the brain such as meningitis or encephalitis or abscess
4- Tumor cerebral
5- Accumulation of liquid inside the skull.

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Types of headaches pain

The most common headache is what experts call tension headache. It is related to stress, depression and anxiety that the person may experience. It occurs on both sides of the head, starting at the back and moving forward.

but there are others types of headache What you should not ignore:

1- Cluster headache. It is a sharp, painful headache that can last for weeks or months.
2- Sinus headache. It causes pain in the front of the head and face.
3- Headache by disorders such as temporal arteritis.

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How to sleep if my head hurts?

Rest can often help reduce headache. But getting it could be difficult. The best sleeping position is lying on your side, with your head slightly elevated to eliminate headache.

When is a headache dangerous?

The Mayo Clinic Medical Institute suggests that it’s important to seek help when your headache is: sudden and severe, accompanied by fever, stiff neck, disorientation, double vision, slurred speech, and numbness.

In the case of Yolanda Andrade, the artist is still under observation for an issue in the brain. However, she raises her voice so that people don’t ignore those Headaches and they fall asleep believing that they are going to eliminate themselves.

If you want to know more about the health of your brain We invite you to watch the next video:

#shouldnt #sleep #headache #life #death

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