Why some people tolerate frustration better and how you can learn to do it

by time news

2023-05-17 17:54:17

Life is not always rosy, that is known, but it is also true that we must learn to deal with things when they do not turn out as we expect, there are people who seem to understand it well, so we tell you why some people tolerate frustration better.

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What is frustration tolerance?

Frustration tolerance is the ability to cope with the negative feelings that occur when something does not go as planned or expected. Or, we don’t get what we want.

According to the National Autonomous University of MexicoFrustration is the emotional response we experience when we have a desire, need, impulse that we cannot satisfy for different reasons.

Frustration is accompanied by feelings of anger, sadness, annoyance and disappointment, even by a feeling of emptiness.

It is considered an unpleasant emotion because it causes feelings of uncertainty and insecurity.

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How do I know if I have a low frustration tolerance?

Reactions to frustration can be varied, but on a general level you can identify if you have a low tolerance for frustration by observing the following:

  • You feel that anger or anger invades you to the degree that you present aggressive behaviors or direct attacks towards a person, object and even yourself.
  • When a situation arises that causes you frustration, you seek to escape from that situation as soon as possible without facing it or reflecting on what it is making you feel, you simply want to run away because the feeling overwhelms you.

And although these feelings are relatively common, presenting them constantly can be a sign that you have a low tolerance for frustration.

But don’t worry, you can learn why some people tolerate frustration better and start practicing these habits in your day to day.

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How are people who know how to tolerate frustration?

People who know how to tolerate frustration are people who, regardless of the challenge or adversity they face, do not lose their composure or self-control.

They are people who look for solutions before problems. It does not mean that they do not get angry or disappointed, but rather that they can go through unpleasant sensations or emotions without taking it out on others and, on the contrary, they are even capable of helping their colleagues to go through frustration without losing control of themselves or upset others.

People who know how to tolerate frustration do not run away from situations or emotions that cause them frustration, on the contrary, they understand and accept them, at the same time that they accept that not everything is under their control and that there will be things that do not go as they should. the expected.

Photo: iStock

How to learn to tolerate frustration?

If you have already identified that you have a low tolerance for frustration and would like to improve this for your emotional and physical well-being, we leave you these recommendations:

  • Give up the idea of ​​perfection because there is no such thing as perfection.
  • Treat yourself with love and compassion, understand your limits and establish healthy ways to break them
  • Don’t judge yourself harshly, understand what you can control and what you can’t. This will take weights off your shoulders
  • Acknowledge your mistakes and accept that we can all be wrong and that does not make you less valuable or valuable.
  • Open up to new options, if a plan failed, look for alternatives to give it a solution and do not get stuck in what could not be

now that you know why some people tolerate frustration better and how you can become one of them, you should know that if it is difficult for you to follow these recommendations, it is best that you seek professional therapeutic support so that they can guide you in the best way and improve your quality of life.

If you are interested in knowing what the nature of anger is and why we feel it, we share this video with you.

#people #tolerate #frustration #learn

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