Why the Sena clan killed Cecilia, the young woman from Chaco: pregnancy, incest or money?

by time news

2023-07-30 07:22:13

Cecilia Strzyzowski -28 years old- is missing since June 1. It was the last day that he saw her family. She is dead, she has been murdered. The researchers have no doubt. The young woman entered her in-laws’ house a day later -in the Argentine city of Resistencia- and she no longer left, as shown by the images captured by the security cameras that surround the house.

The scene of the crime is clear to the agents in charge of the case. found human blood in one of the rooms of the Sena residence and the study of DNA has corroborated that it belongs to the disappeared woman, who had a sentimental relationship with the son of the marriage of influential Kirchnerist piqueteros from the province of Chaco since they met through the Tinder social network, at the end of 2021.

The 99.99% match of the sample collected in the house with the genetic profile of the victim’s mother, Gloria Romero, as well as the numerous evidence and testimonies that point to the guilt of the trade unionist family should be more than enough for the defendants -who continue to behaving like citizens accustomed to receiving favors from political powereven while in jail- were convicted of the acts charged against them.

While Marcela Acuña, brain of the clan and Cecilia’s mother-in-law, demands -among other privileges, such as having a mobile phone- the visit of a hairdresser and a stylist to dye her hair and wax in order to lift her spirits, the investigation into Cecilia’s disappearance and death continues. Definitely, the motive for the crime is one of the unknowns most important to clear. So far, three hypotheses have been put forward in this regard.


Wedding and express divorce

Cecilia proudly shows off her engagement ring. INSTAGRAM

From the beginning, the economic motive was handled as the most probable, since Cecilia and her boyfriend -César Sena- were married on September 16, 2022 and they filed for divorce just four days later. The testimonies of several people from the young people’s environment suggest the possibility that they did so coerced by the boy’s mother -19 years old-Marcela Acuña, who is drawn as a woman who is very possessive and controlling of her son.

That would explain some of the later movements of the couple and the clan itself. The young people, who got married in secret, they had decided to have a party A few months later. They had the date, the place and they had even distributed the invitations. It had to have occurred on December 23, 2022, at Rancho El Dorado. But they finally canceled the celebration of your link.

Now we know that the divorce decree of the Court for Children, Adolescents and Family No. 5 of Resistencia is dated December 21, 2022. And the witnesses to the wedding have declared before the judge that they were pressured by César’s mother to their relationship will not continue. An extreme that César Sena himself – alleged material author of the murder – has confirmed. As he has assured, there was a negotiation.

launder money in the cafe

“I told my mother, Marcela Acuña, that I had arranged a marriage. Cecilia also spoke with her and, after a brief conversation, they reached a verbal agreement for a divorce, which consisted of an economic suma property in the Emerenciano neighborhood and a sum of money to make a trade between Cecilia and me, she being the one in charge”, he explained.

However, Cecilia and César filed for divorce on September 20, 2022, under the premise that “both work and have economic independence, giving rise to neither economic compensation nor compensation of any kind for the short union.” It is true -however- that a few months later the couple opened a cafecalled The Black Cat.

The black cat opened in November 2022. INSTAGRAM

Lawyer Juan Arregin, one of the complainants, even assured that “it’s local” was key in the disagreements between César (the Sena clan, actually) and Cecilia, because he would have proposed the young “launder money” and she would have made it clear that “she is not interested in that type of maneuver” and that “she did not want to be imprisoned.” A great-aunt of the young woman also explained in CNN Argentina thatthey hated her because they wanted her to be a piquetera and she refused.

It should be remembered that the Sena are also being investigated for an alleged crime of irregular enrichment. The file would have been opened after the seizure of more than 6 million pesos in cash in the first search that was carried out in his house on the occasion of the disappearance of his daughter-in-law. And Cecilia’s mother has always maintained that her daughter was very involved in the family and she was able to “see something.”

incest rumors

That “something” was always construed as criminal activity, given the mafia practices the Sena clan was used to. They believed they went unpunished and that led them to act with complete confidence and security.César Sena always said: we work for Coqui (referring to the Kirchnerist governor Jorge Capitanich)assured Gloria Romero on July 17 in TN. “If you touch Emerenciano Sena’s (his father’s) ass, you touch Coqui’s.”

newspapers like The nation have given a good account of irregular movements that the Andrés Saúl Acuña Foundation would have carried out the Seine. An entity that would have grown exponentially thanks to the turns of his influential friend, the governor. Transfers that Emerenciano would have received until the day of his arrest, although Capitanich denies them.

In any case, Romero has recently revealed that Cecilia could see something more than an irregular enrichment, the exploitation of farm workers (as denounced by one of them, who has assured that they were even locked in a cage) or the behavior of a bully. “She hated her, she hated my daughter. For her she was like an old chota,” added Romero.

“I hated her because the son was like something of hers, like an extension of her… The relationship was sort of weird,” he said. “Some say there was incest. I haven’t seen it, but that’s what the people in the neighborhood say,” he added. Some shocking statements that left the people on set almost shocked. Romero drew a scene from a horror movie, in which his son-in-law – who practiced martial arts- even boasted that he had “up to 15 ways to kill a person in a minute, without him knowing”.

Cecilia was pregnant?

The last of the hypotheses that are handled is that Cecilia could be pregnant, since that it was his wish. The Sena couple never wanted the girl to be part of their family and -without a doubt- this would have been a compelling reason for the clan to have decided to take action on the matter and put an end -definitely and by force- to the relationship of his scion with the dancer, several years older than him.

Her mother, Gloria Romero, has indicated -in the same interview- that the young woman had a delay in menstruation “of 17 days” last November. But the most important testimony is the one made by the woman’s gynecologist. According to him, in her statement, on January 21, 2023, Cecilia went to her office for a “gynecological problem” and told her that she wanted to “regularize your menstrual cycle to get pregnant”Therefore, the doctor referred her to carry out different studies.

However, the Prosecutor’s Office already had this possibility. A witness with a confidential identity testified a month ago that César Sena had told him that Cecilia “I was undergoing treatment because they wanted to have a child”. However, the clan took great care to make the young woman’s body disappear (which they dismembered, burned and threw into the river) and it is difficult to think that in any way it could be verified whether or not the victim was pregnant when she was murdered.

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