Why the series “House Kummerveldt” is so good! | free press

by time news

2023-08-02 21:00:00

Fans of black humor and the Empire sit up and take notice: the new episode of the “Freie Presse” podcast “Nachtfresser” has a series tip that shouldn’t be missed.


Historical dramedy series are like a sofa cushion. Comfortable, reliable, like a little softened. That’s why they love fans. Even if there is an exciting alternative and a lot is to be expected. “Haus Kummerveldt” departs from these rules of comfort. That should be clear to everyone in the opening credits, when the creators bang the title on the screen in neon letters and pop music to it. The series is set at the end of the 19th century during the German Empire. How does that go together? So much can be said: In contrast, the Netflix hit “Bridgerton” is something of cold coffee in the rain.

Spit “in the fatherland’s face”.

The new episode of the “Freie Presse” series podcast “Nachtfresser” illuminates the appeal of the mini-series. Here’s a foretaste: “I want to scream and spit in the face of the fatherland!” That’s what the main character Luise von Kummerveldt thinks during her marriage proposal, played with all her anger almost deliciously by Milena Straube, who can probably leave the gentle series plaster of “In aller Hoffnung” behind with this role. This “women’s room” is crying out for emancipation at a time when women shouldn’t say anything illegal and certainly not write novels, as young Luise imagines her life to be. At most then for other so-called baked fish. “Haus Kummerveldt” gives a voice to this young, angry, female generation and makes it a coming-of-age series of a lost time. Tragic, melancholic, rebellious and based on biographies such as that of Annette von Droste-Hülshoff or Else Lasker-Schüler. It is a work peppered with quotations that is a delight for puzzle lovers.

No place for kitsch

The series debut by producer Lotte Ruf and director Mark Lorei premiered at festivals in 2021 and won a number of young talent awards. This is all the more gratifying because it is a German production with a small budget that delivers more than a respectable success. Above all, the idea behind it is to tell a great story locally and at the same time to span the genre’s arc, to stamp out long outdated rules and to encounter historical material with a lot of black humor that is up to date. That leaves no room for kitsch.

Now the series has reached the German television channels, because this cheeky outcry is unavoidable. The small regional production from the Münsterland, mainly filmed at the moated castle in Ochtrup, has recently been available free of charge via the media library of the German-French television channel Arte and can now also be found via the ZDF media library. The first season consists of six episodes. Unfortunately, each only runs for about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, because this bite really packs a punch. A long-missed treat. Cheeky, funny, fast-paced. The good news: Last year, the series makers shot the second season. A broadcast date is not yet known.

The podcast episode for the series “Haus Kummerveldt” and other episodes of the series podcast “Nachtfresser” can be heard wherever there are podcasts: » www.freiepresse.de/podcasts

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