Why the slip is the feeling of the year

by time news

ADuring the Christmas season, escalators are a particularly comfortable way to roll from one multiples department to the next. So you get on the escalator and even grab the handrail. But now, as you stand there and roll, you suddenly notice how a stretching occurs, first comfortably, then threateningly. The right arm is pulled up, the little legs don’t follow that easily. What you feel is the slip.

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We didn’t come up with the name, just ask your trusted engineer! And when we now say that the slip is somehow the feeling of the year, then we don’t mean that because of the phonetic associations with Scholz’s chancellorship. There was little reason for a smurfy grin this year. No, the slip says that something is slipping that should actually be running in unison.

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Latest example: The American centre-left Green Liberal is actually turning her back on her favorite status symbol. Hard-core Elon’s cars have been seen from Santa Barbara to the East Village ever since he trumped on Twitter. But while Tesla is slipping away the old customers, is the next one rolling in? Because, you see, symbol consumption works on the horseshoe theory. And Republicans aren’t afraid of worn-out clothes. Maybe this Tesla slip is the best thing that could have happened to the global climate. The gun-loving patriots are finally getting a taste for electronics.

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Speaking of hollow: the baguette has been declared a fluffy world cultural heritage. But it is to be feared that this decision could finally overstretch the ailing Franco-German relationship. Now the world champion was even invited to the White House first. The French, they’re rolling away from us. All that still speaks for us is that we will soon overtake our neighbors in terms of the number of efficient nuclear power plants, a slip that almost nobody saw coming in 2021. Last chance: maybe we can outperform them in the competition for hard-working specialists. No advancement on the immigrant point scale for those who are not passionate about pumpernickel. It can only go all the way to the top. No stair joke.

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