Why Ukraine must win the war

by time news

IYou have to be affected by a vice to talk about it permanently. As soon as the Ukraine was invaded, Vladimir Putin’s lovers laughed at those of Zelensky: naive, credulous, imbeciles, in short, in their vocabulary, democrats.

The war lasted, the crimes and the nullity of the Russian army were revealed; the supporters of a hard line against the Kremlin could no longer be called fools, so they became irresponsible warmongers, tartarins ready to drag France and Europe into a full-scale conflict .

Several Western capitals, including London, Berlin and Washington, have gone a step further by agreeing to send tanks to kyiv. Putin’s admirers persevere in their insolence by accusing the West of provoking World War III.

In France, pacifism, even when it is in good faith, is in the minority. The writer Remy de Gourmont (1858-1915) caused a scandal by publishing “Le joujou patriotisme” in 1891, a sort of long article in which he made fun of the primitive anti-Germanism and the shoddy patriotism of a France that had gone mad after defeat against Prussia.

Gourmont was neither pro-German nor anti-French, he was intelligent. It is not the causes that he deplores, but the seizure of power by ideology and politics over all forms of reason and taste. The indignation is such that Gourmont is fired from the National Library where he worked.


In 1914, Romain Rolland published an article, “Above the fray”, in which he called on belligerents to reconnect with humanism, to take into consideration the disasters and tragedies of a generalized conflict: “Thus, the Love of country could only flourish in hatred of other countries and the massacre of those who defend them? There is in this proposition a ferocious absurdity and I do not know what Neronian dilettantism which repels me, which repels me, to the bottom of my being. No, love of my country does not want me to hate and kill pious and faithful souls who love other countries. »

READ ALSODoes Europe know it is at war? Yes, sometimes being a pacifist is being smart, and even brave. But finally, when the love of peace turns into complacency for barbarism, it is no longer tenable. Henry de Montherlant replied to Romain Rolland in At the fountains of desirea marvelous and unspeakable book, where the author of the Girls wonders why humanity would necessarily be more beautiful by being passive and peaceful.

The taste of a people for war does not always come from a desire for murder, but from an indignation, from a movement of conscience, of intelligence, of the temperament which leads it to defend itself by attacking, in the name of an emotion. This is the drama of the bad guys, they are amazed by kindness and empathy, and despise them because they know neither.

Unhealthy jealousy

Later, on the eve of the Second World War, the same Montherlant ridicules the supposed wisdom of governments fanaticized by peace, which are convinced, we do not know why, that a civilization would only be equal to itself. ‘by privileging its comfort, without further reasoning.

Here, writes Montherlant, “a shopkeeper’s morality”: “For nearly a century, for twenty years even more [1918], we inject our people with a morality where all that is resistant is called “tense”, where that which is proud is called “haughty”, where indignation is called “bad temper”, where the right disgust is called “aggressiveness”. ”, where clairvoyance is called “wickedness”, where the expression “what is” is called “impropriety”, where any man who sticks to his principles, and who says no, is called “impossible”. »

READ ALSOVladimir Putin: how far can he take us? Negotiating with Vladimir Putin would be tantamount to giving in to a methodology banned from international law, that of rabble. Even apart from moral considerations, the thing would be counter-productive. From there an evidence: Ukraine must gain the war, except to expose Poland, ie NATO.

If it were to fall, do we believe in the moderation of the Kremlin? Better: do we still believe in his sense of honor? Love for kyiv has nothing to do with the indignation of European opinion; it comes from a terror formulated, stirred up and crystallized by the President of Russia. Individuals perceive the inhumanity of its power, the threat it poses to civilization, the unhealthy jealousy that emanates from it; and they say to themselves that Moscow is worth a few tanks.

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