Why video quality on streaming platforms could soon decline

by time news

2023-09-14 19:53:45

Limiting your carbon footprint from your sofa is possible. In a recommendation published in the Official Journal Wednesday September 13, Arcom indicates that it wants to reduce the environmental impact of the audiovisual content that we are used to consuming.

To reduce the carbon footprint, the audiovisual policeman intends to ask streaming platforms such as Netflix, Disney + or Prime Video as well as video sharing platforms such as YouTube to implement an “energy sobriety” function. After informing consumers of the environmental impact linked to the use of their service, this function would be put in place to encourage them to lower the quality of the video to have an “energy-efficient image”.

Arcom also suggests that platforms offer the public a configuration recommendation that consumes little energy by, for example, deactivating automatic video playback. These options must be quickly accessible and easy to set up for the user, that is to say in “one or two clicks” and “clearly visible and indicated” by the platforms.

Digital technology, 2.5% of the French carbon footprint

According to a study by the Agency for Ecological Transition in Paris (ADEME), digital technology represented nearly 2.5% of the French carbon footprint in 2020. This footprint could increase by 45% by 2030 and triple by 2050 if the current trend continues. In fact, Arcom considers it “essential to inform users about the environmental impact of the consumption of audiovisual content (…) and to give them easy access to solutions allowing them to adopt more environmentally friendly uses. . »

Across all phases of the digital life cycle, the manufacturing of equipment such as terminals, data centers or network infrastructures accounts for 78% of the digital carbon footprint. The use phase of this equipment represents 21% of carbon emissions and would tend to increase due to the development of uses.

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