Why was a 13-year-old terrorist released to a rehabilitation center? A former senior police officer explains

by time news

Yesterday, the prosecutor’s office filed an indictment against Muhammad Aliyat, the 13-year-old terrorist who seriously wounded an IDF officer in an attack in the City of David in Jerusalem. He is accused, among other things, of attempted murder with a terrorist motive. With the consent of the prosecutor’s office, the court ordered that the boy be transferred to a locked rehabilitation center in the north under improved conditions Retired Air Force Dr. Suzy Ben Baruch spoke this evening (Thursday) with Prof. Aryeh Eldad and Roni Bar On on 103FM and commented on the matter.

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“Let’s be clear – a minor in Israel is someone who has not yet turned 18 years old. In this sequence, a minor in Israel from the age of birth to the age of 12 does not bear criminal responsibility. That is, he is not able to predict the result of the act he does,” said Dr. Ben blessed.

“From the age of 12 to 14, the legislature still treats minors who are involved in any offense, including murder, with leniency. From the age of 12 to 14 is indeed very close to the age of criminal responsibility, but very far from the age of end of minors. Therefore, the attitude towards him is different. At this age it is permissible to arrest them for each offense – the first 12 hours, then another 12 hours under very severe circumstances. In both cases, the minors cannot sit in prison. In Israeli prisons, people are imprisoned from the age of 14, but since there is a terrorist offense here, there is a certain proviso that the court can approve it. What will happen is that they will sit inside a locked youth shelter, which is like a prison,” she explained.

According to her, “Section 12 of the Youth Law specifies and says that children under the age of 13 will not be charged unless the police and the prosecutor’s office consult with a juvenile probation officer. They are both 13 or so years old, if not under 13. Therefore, until the age of 14, a juvenile probation officer should Visit them and submit a social report. In my opinion, she will recommend maximizing the punishment, when the punishment for minors is divided between punishment and treatment.”

At the end she said: “Now look, these are teenage minors whose entire environment magnifies terrorism and the murder of Jews, certainly soldiers or policemen. The boy is looking for his identity and if his identity goes in that direction then that is his role model.”

Assisted in editing the article: Eden Ben Ari, 103FM

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