Why we gain pounds in winter

by time news

There are reasons why we have cravings for sweets and fatty foods right now. Age also plays a role.

SN / iordani – stock.adobe.com

In winter, we develop cravings for sweets and greasy foods.

The holidays are long gone and many people are now thinking of going on a diet. But the timing is extremely unfavorable, because in winter of all times we have a particularly great craving for fatty and sweet things. But why is it like that?

Science has a whole range of explanatory models at hand. When you think of winter bacon, the first thing you think of is the animal world, after all, hedgehogs, bears and the like eat a good belly to get through the winter well…

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Accessed on January 16, 2022 at 8:47 a.m. at https://www.sn.at/panorama/wissen/warum-wir-gerade-im-winter-kilos-zulegen-115469038

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