Why You Should Never Use Last Year’s Sunscreen: Expert Advice on Skin Protection

by time news

Sunscreen:‍ Don’t Risk Your⁢ Protection with Last Year’s Product

Sunscreen is ​vital for protecting your skin​ from the harmful effects of the sun, especially⁣ during summer. However, a common mistake people make is using last ⁢year’s sunscreen. Dermatologists and skincare experts warn that this practice may not be safe or effective.

Loss of Effectiveness

One of the main reasons to avoid last year’s sunscreen is its reduced effectiveness. The active ingredients in sunscreens, such as zinc⁣ oxide, titanium dioxide, and chemical filters, can degrade over time due to​ exposure to heat, sunlight, and air. ⁣This degradation can significantly reduce the ​sunscreen’s ability to ⁢protect against UV rays.

Changes‌ in Formula

Sunscreens can also experience changes in their formula over ‌time. Separation of ingredients, changes in texture, or an unusual smell ​are signs that ​the ⁢product ‍has begun to⁣ deteriorate. These changes not only reduce the efficacy of the sunscreen but⁣ can also cause skin irritation. Always check ‍the appearance and⁢ smell of sunscreen before use and discard it ⁤if you notice ​any abnormalities.

Expiration Date

All sunscreens have an expiration ‍date printed⁤ on the packaging. This date indicates until when⁣ the product will maintain​ its ⁤guaranteed effectiveness. Using expired​ sunscreen can mean that the active ingredients no​ longer work ‌as they should. The U.S.‌ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends discarding sunscreen ‌after three years of opening.

Inadequate Protection

Using expired or degraded sunscreen can lead to inadequate‌ protection against ultraviolet rays, increasing the risk of sunburn, premature skin aging, and skin cancer. The Spanish Academy ⁢of ⁢Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) warns ​that insufficient sun protection can have serious long-term consequences.

Expert Recommendations

To avoid ​the risks associated with using last year’s sunscreen, experts recommend:

Storing sunscreen in a cool, dry‍ place.
⁤Regularly checking the expiration date and ⁣condition ‌of the sunscreen.
Purchasing sunscreens in quantities​ that can be used within a season.
Applying sunscreen generously and reapplying every two hours or after swimming or sweating.

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