Why you should put linseed oil in your oatmeal

by time news

Porridge, porridge, overnight oats – whatever you want to call them: Soaked or cooked oatmeal make a nearly perfect breakfast. And one ingredient makes this even healthier.

Porridge is a healthy breakfast made even healthier with a specific ingredient (Iconic Image: Getty Images)

Porridge is one of the healthiest things to eat for breakfast. It provides energy, vitamins and important minerals for the day and, thanks to healthy carbohydrates, regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

In contrast to ready-made supermarket mueslis or porridges, you can also control how much sugar you add to home-cooked oatmeal and still make it varied thanks to the almost endless possibilities of toppings or added ingredients: from roasted nuts and fresh fruit to cheese and fried ones Mushrooms (yes, oatmeal tastes savory too) there are hardly any limits to your imagination.

The porridge is not exactly low in calories, but it makes you feel full for a long time and is gentle on the stomach. And adding an ingredient to your porridge makes it even healthier.

Flaxseed oil is extremely healthy and tastes great with oatmeal (Picture: Getty Images)

Flaxseed oil is extremely healthy and tastes great with oatmeal (Picture: Getty Images)

Linseed oil in porridge makes it a metabolism miracle

Adding a small dash of linseed oil to the porridge gives it an additional nutrient kick: Many healthy omega-3 fatty acids ensure that your body can absorb fat-soluble vitamins even better and also do something for heart health and brain function.

More of that: These foods are good for the intestinal flora

Like oatmeal itself, linseed oil can lower cholesterol levels thanks to linoleic acid and ensures stable blood sugar levels with its healthy fats. In addition, the oil boosts the metabolism so that the body can burn stored fat better.

Do not heat linseed oil too much

Linseed oil is available in every well-stocked supermarket or health food store. Thanks to its slightly nutty aroma, it goes perfectly with oatmeal, but of course you can also refine other dishes such as vegetable pots or rice dishes with the linseed oil.

It is important not to heat the linseed oil too much – the omega-3 fatty acids do not tolerate this, which would also negate some of the positive effects. So don’t mix the flaxseed oil into the oatmeal until you’ve removed it from the heat and placed it in your bowl to eat.

Video: Superfood: Oatmeal really is that healthy

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