Why you sleep worse during your period

by time news

While we often refer to menstruation as a “monthly party,” it’s not really a celebration. Yes, a feast of complaints such as stomachaches, a bad mood and… bad sleep. Yes really, some people somehow fall asleep worse during their period. Why?

Also read: Why are you moody around your period?

Sleeping worse during menstruation

As if there weren’t enough irritations with the menstrual cycle, your sleep also gets worse during the cycle, according to a study. For the study, women were followed a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle and in the period before the first real menstrual day. It turned out that women woke up more often, during the days before the actual menstrual period.

Eating behavior makes worse

The researchers also looked at the women’s eating behavior during the period before their actual period. What turned out? Women who ingested fewer calories through a diet, for example, slept even worse. This compared to women who took in the same amount of calories as they had consumed.

Hormone changes

Then why do you sleep worse during your period? Well, that’s mainly because of the hormone changes. Your hormones change during the cycle, so your body needs a lot of energy (or calories) to cope with these changes.

That is why it is important that you eat enough during your period. Choose for you cravings preferably products with fiber-rich carbohydrates, such as salmon and oatmeal. That fills better! You can of course also go to bed a little earlier. Then you have more time to fall asleep and you still get the necessary eight hours of sleep.

Also read: 4 natural ways to have less periods

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