Why your baby should not use tacatá

by time news

“As long as he comes healthy, the rest is not so important.” These are usually our first words as mothers or fathers. And they are supported by a medical history the size of a book with ultrasounds, laboratory tests and multiple tests that indicate that everything is developing as expected. We also do not skimp on preparations for the day of delivery and its subsequent care: classes, books and talks, any information is little.

Then, once it’s born, the new parents are thrown into a maelstrom of constant worry. But what about the feet? Who remembers them? The first steps as parents are already established, but not those of the baby. And the reality is that nobody teaches us to face them.

Foot pathologies can start early

The foot is the fundamental part of the human anatomy to be independent in our movement. Babies start using their feet to play on the playground or in the park. And then, when they reach adulthood, they move with them to pick up their college degree or run a marathon.

However, in the first years of life few of us talk about the feet. Maybe it’s because they are too far from our heads. Until one day they hurt us, they prevent us from moving and then they become a real problem.

Foot pathologies can begin to develop in our first months of life. A correct prevention in that first crawl, in the first steps and the subsequent strides can be essential in its development.

For this it is important to know that when the baby is born it does not have bones in its feet, they are still made up of cartilage. Each bone begins and ends ossification at a time, being the latest at 10 years.

In this evolution, the foot goes through different stages and needs. The most important thing is to allow the physiological development of the foot and avoid frequent mistakes from the first steps. How? Following a series of recommendations:

Avoid using baby carriers

The baby carrier is used to carry the baby close to the body and at the same time keep the arms free. This item is very useful for adults, it even became fashionable a few years ago. However, in the case of non-ergonomic baby carriersBabies suffer from it because it forces them to have their legs fully open. In addition to prohibiting their total freedom of movement and development, we force a high hip opening and produce rotations in the femur.

I crawl, yes, thank you

It has always been said that crawling delays the start of walking, but avoiding crawling would bring us multiple problems. Crawling is a natural process that the baby performs to move and, in this movement, the muscles acquire the strength to continue with the process of walking and gradually adapt strength and coordination. In addition, the crawling position makes our back acquire the necessary curvature for an upright position.

Tacatá, no, please

The tacatá or walker is a mechanism that maintains a forced position for baby which is detrimental to their development. The hip is placed in an open position with possible rotational problems in the lower limbs. In addition, the baby does not reach the ground well and tends to walk on tiptoes, and is the cause of many accidents between 5 and 8 months of age.

Do not force the baby to walk

It is very common to try to encourage the baby to walk. But the bones and muscles might not be prepared and would be supporting a greater load than they are capable of. Forcing the baby to walk ahead of time will only cause more falls.

Stepping on uneven floors

Not even in the first months we let our children go barefoot. When they do, it is usually at home with a completely smooth floor. This lacks sensory stimulation and intrinsic foot muscle development. To increase this stimulation, there are mats or sensory discs, and cushions or balance balls. With these elements they can play and at the same time develop their foot function with complete naturalness.

balance bike

Balance bikes have replaced the old bikes with “trainers” for having more benefits. In the first years of life, the child best learns the necessary motor coordination. He increases his balance on the moving bicycle, coordinating both feet so as not to fall. Over time he will pick up more speed and his feet will spend less time on the ground. Greater confidence and security is gained when switching to a pedal bike. The sensory-motor skills acquired with the balance bike are more effective.

Be very careful with the footwear!

All children tend to take off their shoes. They don’t like to have their feet locked in their shoes, and with good reason. The shoe must respect the physiology and evolution of the foot and not be subject to the aesthetics of the children’s footwear industry. Until the baby begins to walk, it is advisable not to put shoes on. Afterwards, the footwear will fulfill the function of protection and must be as flexible as possible, without there being any rigid or semi-rigid element at the rear. The sole must be thin and without height in the heel. Finally, we must bear in mind that in footwear not only the length but also the width is important. It must have enough space to not squeeze your fingers.

We care a lot about these first steps, but not so much about the second and third ones. The evolution of the children’s footprint will be what leads them to walk and run correctly.

Podiatry guidelines are usually simple and are continually updated, but there is a lack of scientific dissemination in this regard. Having culture on our feet is key, with precise, clear and consistent messages. And it may be one small step for a baby, but one giant step for the future adult they will become.

This article was originally published on The Conversation.


Coral Moya Basin

PhD student in the Sports and Health program at the UMH. Clinical podiatrist and professor of the Podiatry Degree, Miguel Hernández University.

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