Wife and young daughters punched and kicked, 40-year-old removed from home in Merano – Merano

by times news cr

MERANO. Removal from the family home and prohibition of approach and contact against a 40-year-old resident of Merano for violence against his wife and young daughters.

The measure was issued yesterday (September 24) by the Court of Bolzano, with the prescription to keep a distance of at least 500 meters, avoiding communicating in any way through any means. The ban also applies to the couple’s three minor daughters.

The measure was issued at the end of a complex investigation carried out by the Merano Police Station and coordinated by the Bolzano Public Prosecutor’s Office following the initial report received from the staff of the Merano Hospital through the activation of the “Erika Code”.

The investigations carried out by the Merano investigators have allowed them to verify the validity of the crime report, subsequently also acquiring the woman’s complaintwhich was constantly followed and supported by the Merano Anti-Violence Centre and the Police Station.

The investigation has documented, since the summer of 2024 and up to today, the state of psychological pressure to which the man has systematically subjected his wife for reasons of jealousy, repeatedly using psychological violence against her and making cohabitation unbearable for her.

In recent times, in particular, the man had not only continued to offend and threaten her, forbidding her to leave the house alone and to find a job, constantly demanding information on who she frequented, saw or spoke to in his absence.

Since the beginning of September, he had moved from psychological violence to physical violence, attacking the woman and one of her three daughters under the age of 11 with punches and kicks. In the circumstance, the victim, despite the fact that the tormentor had stolen her house keys, had managed to escape with the 3 girls and to call for help on the emergency number “112 NUE”.

Following a final episode of violence and persecution, in which the man brandished a knife over a video call and threatened her to return home or he would kill her, the victim decided to ask for help again, following which she and her three very young daughters were rescued and placed in a protected structure.

“Even in our Province we witness daily what is now a real emergency, which sees defenseless people as victims, often women, elderly people and children, at the mercy of violence from family members or people belonging to the circle of close acquaintances – highlighted the Police Commissioner of Bolzano Paolo Sartori -. It is quite evident that the intervention of the Police is useful, and in the most serious cases is even indispensable, to eliminate the effects, preventing certain situations from leading to real tragedies. However, it is on the causes that we must intervene, creating synergies with Agencies, Institutions and

Associations that deal with these deviant phenomena, with structured actions that act on a cultural, social and family level, with the aim of making abusers understand the absolute disvalue of their behavior, and victims the need to immediately report any situation that could even just give a glimpse of critical issues of this kind”.

2024-09-26 08:29:27

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