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by time news

Even where polygamy and polygamy are legally recognized, society may not fully accept those who live such lives. But what if husband and wife lead a mutually consensual dating life. Jennifer and Danielle, a couple from Richmond, Virginia, are happily spending their lives happily finding new partners without worrying about what society thinks. Now they are living together with their family of children and Jennifer’s dating partner with mutual love.

After realizing that both of them are interested in finding temporary partners in addition to husband and wife relationship, it was decided to go for dating. This decision was made when the children were five and three years old. It was only after I got a clear understanding of this lifestyle through counseling and books that I started bringing change in my life. Even before finding partners, they participated in polygamous communities with children. The purpose was to make the children understand that this would be their new way of life.

Soon the two started finding outside partners. After that, the children were openly talked about and understood. Both of them also took a firm decision that there should never be any obstacle in the affairs of the family. It used to be that one would go out on dates while the other would spend time with the children. Neither of them had any intention of having a permanent partner with them.

Many of the partners would be invited home for dinner parties and so on, but the children were not close to them. Things started to change when Jennifer met Ty in 2018. The relationship continued for two years. By then, the children were also close to Ty. Jennifer discussed this with the family as she wanted to bring Ty with her. The children and Daniel welcomed the decision with joy. But Daniel, Jennifer, and Ty had discussed with their individual therapists the potential problems such a life could create. The advice they got is to conduct the relationship in a way that does not affect the safety and morale of the children in any way. Accordingly, the three started living together with the understanding that they should act as the parents of the children. Ty started living as a part of the family in 2020. With the lockdown time, everyone was able to share a lot of time together. Now the children are happy to have a second father.

All three are still dating. But decisions about who should reach out to the children are made only with proper conviction. Children are careful not to get too close to new people. This precaution is to ensure that the children are not traumatized if they break up with such dating partners for any reason. The families of all three are yet to accept this way of life. Many of the family members did not even bother to talk. But Jennifer’s response is that they are only proud of the life they have built. Jennifer says that if you talk openly about your parents’ lifestyles and different relationships in society without hiding them from your children, you can understand them and lead a happy life.

English Summary: My husband and I have never hidden our polyamory from our kids

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