“Wild life-threatening driving in the opposite lane and assaulting a policeman”: an indictment was filed against Bedoui Merhat | Boiling documentation

by time news

Today (Friday) the police filed an indictment and a request for detention until the end of the proceedings against Bedoui Merhat, about 25 years old, for the offenses of reckless driving while unlicensed and disqualified, as well as for the offense of assaulting a police officer in the performance of his duty.

The indictment states that, “On February 11, 2023, in the dirt area near Nahal Hashur, the defendant drove wildly while endangering the travelers who were staying there as part of the “South Red” festival. The inspector of the nature reserve and parks, who noticed the defendant, ordered him to stop, but the defendant continued while traveling on road 232 while accelerating in the opposite lane.

The policemen of the Yoav unit of the Southern district began chasing the driver who continued to flee in a wild way, while crossing a continuous dividing line on the road and actually endangering the road users who had to brake and swerve with their vehicle to the side of the road in order to avoid being hit by the accused.

After a short chase, as can be seen in the attached documentation, the driver lost control of his vehicle and was arrested in the area, the police officers who acted quickly arrested the accused who tried to escape from the scene.”

The indictment also states that during the arrest, the defendant resisted and attacked one of the policemen until they took control of him. With the conclusion of the police investigation that was conducted at the Ofakim station, today the police prosecution unit in the Negev region filed an indictment with a request for detention until the end of the proceedings against the accused.

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