Wilfried Houngbédji reassures Benin’s resilience

by time news

2023-08-17 22:46:35

Views: 19

Government spokesman Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji spoke about the impact of the sanctions imposed on Niger on the Beninese economy. It was during an interview he granted to BIP Radio on Tuesday, August 15, 2023. During his speech, he said that the ECOWAS measures against Niger have not paralyzed activities in Autonomous Port of Cotonou.

Benin closed its borders with Niger after the putsch of July 26, 2023. This is one of the sanctions imposed on this country by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). On the other hand, this closure is not without consequences for Benin. This is also noticeable by the blocking of trucks which come to load goods from the Autonomous Port of Cotonou for Niamey and the other cities of the country. Despite this situation, the port company knows no paralysis according to Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji. While recognizing that Niger is one of the important partners of the Autonomous Port of Cotonou, the government spokesperson confided that the executive has made investments to improve the management of the Port and diversify partnerships. According to Wilfried Houngbédji, Benin can cope with the economic losses caused by the closure of the border with Niger but could not hinder economic activities. “We have learned to be resilient. We still experienced the closure of the border with Nigeria for a year, ”he underlines. For the government spokesperson, by applying the decisions of ECOWAS, Benin favors the collective and long-term interest of the countries rather than focusing on individual and immediate benefits.

#Wilfried #Houngbédji #reassures #Benins #resilience

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