will having another dependent child increase my pension?

by time news

Question to an expert

I still have a dependent child and I am going to retire, will my pension be increased?

Having had one or more children will often have a beneficial impact on the calculation of your pensions. But beyond the quarters granted for each child brought up, and beyond the pension increases for large families (three or more children), a lesser known system exists in the supplementary scheme for private sector employees Agirc-Arrco: a pension increase 5% for each child still dependent on retirement.

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Both parents are affected. Are considered “in charge” minor children, those under 25 if they are students, apprentices or unemployed persons registered with Pôle Emploi and not receiving compensation. And those who are disabled (if the disability was recognized before age 21), regardless of their age.

This increase cannot be combined with that granted to parents of at least three children – the most advantageous is retained. And it is temporary, it ceases to be due when the child is no longer dependent.

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In the basic private schemes, you can also obtain, under certain conditions and if you request it, a fixed increase in your survivor’s pension for each dependent child (one of the conditions is not to receive a personal pension). Monthly amount 2022: 99.80 euros.

In any case, it will be necessary to check that these increases are taken into account on your retirement notifications, they must appear clearly in the calculation details.

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