Will it be mandatory to attend the SEP activities on Saturday, June 17?

by time news

2023-06-08 03:43:34

The Secretary of Public Education (SEP) has reported that on June 17 different activities will be organized in public spaces and schoolsthis as part of the prevention strategy of the consumption of drugs implemented since the month of April.

In this behold cultural, informative, sports and recreational activities; Although it will mainly be implemented in educational establishments, they will also take place in parks, sports centers and community centers. Therefore, they seek to promote the participation of mothers, fathers and other members of society in order to eradicate the consumption of addictive substances through the strengthening of values ​​such as respect, solidarity and friendship.

During the morning conference on Tuesday June 6 held by the President Andrés Manuel López Obradorthe Secretary of Public Education, Leticia Ramírezprovided more information about the activities.

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“It is about that we all take into account the importance of preventing addictions, from 10 in the morning we will be doing activities throughout the country, the important thing is that a national force is seen that is for the campaign of prevention of addictions and well-being ;

“These are things that we have to be doing every day from the classroom, but also at home, in families and in public spaces”Ramírez said at the press conference

The day will begin at 10:00 in the morning and will be coordinated by the SEPthe Health Secretary and of Culture of the 32 entities from the country.

However, parents have wondered whether or not it is mandatory bring students and if there will be sanctions in case you don’t.

In addition to, teachers have shown their disagreement that it be carried out on a weekend, since they wonder if that day will be paid as part of your work activity in the schools.


Although Ramírez did not mention that it was mandatory for students to come to your campuses on June 17; and he did not mention if there would be repercussions in case of not attending.

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The official only focused on promote next Saturday’s activities to avoid drug use, and encouraging the participation of students, teachers and parentsas mothers, family.

“If you take drugs, you hurt yourself”, has a guide against addictions, which provides information on consequences y damage irreversible effects caused by drug use, with prevention data and detect signs of initiation of consumption.

In addition to situations related to the use of substances and recommendations for face this situation; along with a directory of current care services for the treatment skilled.

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