Will it be the next disease to be eradicated?

by time news

2024-01-27 23:10:01

The leprosy in Mexico very soon it could disappear and, in part, it would be thanks to the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (Cenaprece). In fact, in recent years there has been a gradual decrease in its incidence until reaching historical minimum figures.

What is leprosy?

Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae bacteria which mainly affects skin, peripheral nerves and sometimes other tissues.

What are the symptoms of leprosy?

It manifests itself through hypopigmented, reddish or coppery spots with loss of sensitivity, or infiltrated plaques, nodules, diffuse infiltration, ulcers, or areas with sensitivity disorder without dermatological lesions.

The leprosy It is a curable disease if it is detected in time and with adequate treatment. Otherwise, irreversible disability or mutilating injuries may develop, mainly in the eyes, hands and feet.

The bacillus of this disease is very little contagious and it is transmitted when there is close and prolonged coexistence. It is also believed that the skin falls apart but this is completely false because sensitivity is only lost in some areas.

Leprosy in Mexico remains on the decline

According to Dr. Roberto Arenas Guzmán, who is head of the Mycology section of the “Manuel Gea González” General Hospital, from 2022 to 2023 the number of new cases of leprosy in the country decreased from 128 to 119.

With this in mind, Mexico closed 2023 with approximately 300 cases in prevalence; That is, people who were infected for the first time and those who are undergoing treatment, and who are distributed in 18 entities in the country.

Through the National Leprosy Elimination Program people receive combination therapy free of charge. This increases the effectiveness of curing the disease and contributes to cutting the chains of transmission. In addition, top-level medical professionals monitor patients throughout the duration of the treatment.

The strategy includes the leprosy prevention program in the 32 federal entities with state and jurisdictional coordinators.

What are the objectives of the National Leprosy Elimination Program?

  • Train health personnel to enhance diagnosis
  • Examine at least 90 percent of the patient’s contacts
  • Ensure free treatment
  • Cure patients in treatment
  • Reduce the prevalence

When is World Leprosy Day?

The World Health Organization (WHO) stipulates the last Sunday of January as the World Leprosy Day. The goal is to raise awareness about the disease and reduce stigma against those who suffer from it. In Mexico, since 1992 it has been commemorated simultaneously in the 32 entities to endorse the political will and commitment in the fight against this disease.

This year’s motto in the country is: “Act today for a Mexico without leprosy… Yes we can!”to urge the population and health personnel to take actions to achieve the elimination of this disease as a public health problem.

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#disease #eradicated

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