Will Lebanon’s next president be a Jew? The surprising candidate in the race has been revealed

by time news

Dr. Eddie Cohen, an Oriental and a native of Beirut, ran for president of Lebanon in the October elections “This is completely sarcastic, I am attacking Hezbollah because the Lebanese can not, all my childhood friends, ask me” • The spy Cohen would have come to the presidency ‘?

Dr. Eddie Cohen, an Oriental and a native of Beirut, has recently begun to promote himself in the race for the Lebanese presidency to be held in October.

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Today (Sunday) Dr. Cohen spoke with Golan Yokfaz and Anat Davidov on 103FM, to explain what is behind the move.

“It is completely sarcastic, I am attacking Hezbollah because the Lebanese can not. I am Lebanese, pleading guilty. First of all, we are Lebanese Jews, the Jewish community is the 17th in Lebanon according to the Lebanese constitution. A Jew can choose and be elected. But, I do it sarcastically on my Twitter, it’s not real.

“All my friends are asking me to attack Hezbollah. They can not do that. All my childhood friends, both Muslims and Christians, Shiites, “explained the researcher, who is currently at the Begin Sadat Center at Bar Ilan University.

“I present an unrealistic agenda. This is completely cynical, I present an agenda to expel Hezbollah, to prosecute the leaders. These things, all Lebanese feel them. “They did not weaken very much in the election, they lost 10 seats, they lost the majority, that’s true, but Hezbollah still controls the airport, the army, the ports, Hezbollah’s power has not been reduced.”

Dr. Cohen revealed that over the years he had heard surprising information from Syria, regarding Jewish rule in an Arab country: “Some Syrians said, ‘I wish the spy Eli Cohen would come to the presidency.’ This is true. They saw what the rule of Assad the father and then the son did. They say – he would not slaughter us. “

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