Will López Obrador “spoil” Joe Biden’s Summit of the Americas?

by time news

Will go, won’t go? Three days before the Summit of the Americas, which is to be held from Monday June 6 to Friday June 10 in Los Angeles, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (known as “AMLO”) still leaves doubts hanging over his participation. “No rush”, declared Thursday, June 2 the Mexican president, quoted by the daily The Sun of Mexico.

For several weeks, AMLO has been repeating to anyone who wants to listen that he is waiting for US President Joe Biden to communicate the list of guests to this summit to decide on his arrival. According to the major daily MillenniumLópez Obrador hinted that his country would be represented in California by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard.

As reported by the Spanish-speaking site of CNN, the American government is in any case working hard to confirm the number of participants in this Summit of the Americas, which is nevertheless considered a “priority” for relations between the United States and its neighbors.

This will be the ninth edition of this gathering of nations from Canada to Chile, and the first organized in the United States since the inaugural edition in Miami in 1994, by Bill Clinton. Will be present in particular the Canadian Justin Trudeau, the Chilean Gabriel Boric, the Argentinian Alberto Fernández and the Brazilian Jair

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